SCIOPTA received an updated certificate by TÜV Süd for its SCIOPTA Safety Certified RTOS. The new version includes now also Analog Device Blackfin, Infineon Aurix, Renesas RXv2 and ARM ARMv8-A Architecture (AArch64 only).
Following CPUs remain fully supported: ARM architectures ARMv4T, ARMv5T, ARMv5TE, ARMv6, ARMv6-M, ARMv7-M, ARMv7-R and ARMv7-A. Renesas RX and NXP Power Architecture.
As now required by Railway Manufacturers, SCIOPTA has been specifically audited for EN 50128:2011. Before it was often accepted to have the IEC 61508 certificate for EN 50128 Projects. Tables A.1 to A.23 of EN50128 Techniques and Measures have been included.