This document is the SCIOPTA Reference Manual for the SCIOPTA Kernels.
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SCIOPTA Systems GmbH, makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose. Further, SCIOPTA Systems GmbH, reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to SCIOPTA Systems GmbH to notify any person of such revision or changes.
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1. SCIOPTA Real-Time Operating System
1.1. Introduction
SCIOPTA is a high performance fully pre emptive real-time operating system for hard real-time application available for many target platforms.
Available modules:
Pre-emptive Multitasking Real-Time Kernel
SCIOPTA Memory Management System, Support for MMU/MPU
Board Support Packages
IPS Internet Protocols v4/v6 (TCP/IP) including IPS Applications (Web Server, TFTP, FTP, DNS, DHCP, Telnet and SMTP)
FAT File System
(fail) SAFE FAT File System
Flash File System, NOR and NAND
Universal Serial Bus, USB Device
Universal Serial Bus, USB Host
DRUID System Level Debugger including kernel awareness packages for source debuggers
CONNECTOR support for distributed multi CPU systems
SCAPI SCIOPTA API for Windows or LINUX hosts or other OS
SCIOPTA Real-Time Operating System contains design objects such as SCIOPTA modules, processes, messages and message pools. SCIOPTA is designed on a message based architecture allowing direct message passing between processes. Messages are mainly used for interprocess communication and synchronization. SCIOPTA messages are stored and maintained in memory pools. The memory pool manager is designed for high performance and memory fragmentation is avoided. Processes can be grouped in SCIOPTA modules, which allows you to design a very modular system. Modules can be static or created and killed during run-time as a whole. SCIOPTA modules can be used to encapsulate whole system blocks (such as a communication stack) and protect them from other modules in the system.
The SCIOPTA Real-Time Kernel has a very high performance. The SCIOPTA architecture is specifically designed to provide excellent real time performance and small size. Internal data structures, memory management, interprocess communication and time management are highly optimized. SCIOPTA Real-Time kernels will also run on small single-chip devices without MMU.
1.2. CPU Families
SCIOPTA is delivered for many CPU architectures such as the various Arm Ltd. families, RX (Renesas ), Power architecture (NXP, STM), Blackfin (Analog Devices) and Aurix (Infineon).
Please consult the latest version of the SCIOPTA Price List for the complete list or ask our sales team if you are missing a specific architecture.
Initially mainly used in the automation and process control industry, IEC 61508 is more and more accepted for applications in other industries including automotive and medical where safety and reliability are paramount.
1.3. SCIOPTA Kernels
There are three Kernels (Technologies) within SCIOPTA: V1, V2 and V2INT. The V1 Kernels are written in 100% Assembler and are specifically tuned for the ARM Architectures. V2 Kernels are mostly written in "C" and available for many CPUs and Architectures. V2INT kernels have built-in integrity of RTOS data to be used in safety certified systems.
All three Kernels certified by TUeV Sued Munich to IEC61508 SIL 3, EN50128 SIL 3/4 and ISO26262 ASIL-D.
1.4. SCSIM SCIOPTA Simulator for Windows and Linux
The SCIOPTA System is available on top of the operating system. SCSIM is a SCIOPTA simulator including SCIOPTA scheduling together with the Windows or Linux scheduler. This allows realistic system behaviour in a simulated environment.
1.5. SCAPI SCIOPTA API for Windows or Linux host or other OS
SCAPI is a SCIOPTA API allowing message passing in an operating system ( e.g. Windows, Linux system…). SCAPI is mainly used to design distributed systems together with CONNECTOR processes. Scheduling in SCAPI is done by the underlying operating system.
1.6. About this Manual
This SCIOPTA Reference Manual contains the reference of all system calls in alphabetical order.
1.7. SCIOPTA Architecture Manual
The SCIOPTA Architecture Manual contains a detailed description and introduction into SCIOPTA working concepts, structures and elements.
1.8. SCIOPTA Getting Start Manuals
The SCIOPTA Getting Start Manuals gives all needed information how to use SCIOPTA Real-Time Kernel in an embedded project for specific CPU Families.
1.9. SCIOPTA Kernel Configuration SCONF Manuals
The SCIOPTA kernel system needs to be configured before you can generate the whole system. The SCIOPTA configuration utility SCONF Manual gives all needed information and the parameters to be defined such as name of systems, static modules, processes, and pools, etc.
1.10. SCIOPTA ARM Manual
The SCIOPTA ARM manual contains information specific to ARM based kernels.
2. System Calls Overview
2.1. Introduction
This chapter list all SCIOPTA system calls in functional groups. Please consult chapter System Calls Reference for an alphabetical list.
Please Note:
There are three Kernel Technologies within SCIOPTA: V1, V2 and V2INT. The V1 Kernels are written in 100% Assembler and are specifically tuned for the ARM Architectures. V2 Kernels are mostly written in "C" and available for many CPUs and Architectures. V2INT kernels have built-in integrity of RTOS data to be used in safety certified systems.
If nothing is noted in the following lists below, the system call is valid for all three Kernel Technologies.
2.2. Prerequisites
The CPU must be in a privileged mode before calling the kernel and have access to all SCIOPTA relevant memory areas.
On ARMv4T,ARMv5T*,ARMv7-A/R or ARMv8-R this means SYS mode!
2.3. Message System Calls
2.3.1. Message Passing
sc_msgAlloc(): Allocates a memory buffer of selectable size from a message pool
sc_msgAllocClr(): Allocates a memory buffer of selectable size from a message pool and will initialize the data area of the message to 0.
sc_msgAllocTx(): Allocates a message and sends it to the addressee.
sc_msgTx(): Transmits a message to a process.
sc_msgTxAlias(): Transmit a message to a process by setting a process ID as sender.
sc_msgRx(): Receives messages.
sc_msgFree(): Returns an allocated message to the message pool.
2.3.2. Message Information
sc_msgFind(): Finds a message which has been allocated or already received.
sc_msgAddrGet(): Gets the process ID of the addressee of a message.
sc_msgSndGet(): Gets the process ID of the sender of a message.
sc_msgOwnerGet(): Gets the process ID of the owner of a message.
sc_msgPoolIdGet(): Gets the pool ID of a message.
sc_msgSizeGet(): Gets the requested size of a message buffer.
sc_msgHdCheck(): Checks the message header.
2.3.3. Message Modification
sc_msgAcquire(): Changes the owner of a message.
sc_msgSizeSet(): Decrease the requested size of a message buffer.
2.3.4. Message Safety
sc_msgDataCrcDis(): Disables the message data CRC check for a message.
sc_msgDataCrcGet(): Checks the message data checksum.
sc_msgDataCrcSet(): Sets the message data checksum.
sc_msgFlowSignatureUpdate(): Updates a global message flow signature.
2.3.5. Message Debugging
sc_msgHookRegister(): Registers a message hook.
2.4. Process System Calls
2.4.1. Process Creation and Killing
sc_procPrioCreate(): Creates a prioritized process in a V1 Kernel.
sc_procIntCreate(): Creates an interrupt process in a V1 Kernel.
sc_procTimCreate(): Creates a timer process in a V1 Kernel.
sc_procCreate2(): Creates a process in a V2 and V2INT Kernel.
sc_procKill(): Kills a process.
sc_sysProcCreate(): Creates a process in a V1 Kernel (private function).
sc_sysProcCreate2(): Creates a process in a V2 and V2INT Kernel (private function).
2.4.2. Process Controlling
sc_procYield(): Yields the CPU to the next ready process.
sc_procStart(): Starts a prioritized or timer process.
sc_procStop(): Stopps a prioritized or timer process.
sc_procSchedLock(): Locks the scheduler.
sc_procSchedUnlock(): Unlocks the scheduler.
sc_procIrqRegister(): Register an existing interrupt process for interrupt vectors.
sc_procIrqUnregister(): Unregisters previously registered interrupts.
sc_procSliceGet(): Gets the time slice of a prioritized or timer process.
sc_procSliceSet(): Sets the time slice of a prioritized or timer process.
sc_procWakeupEnable(): Enables the wakeup of a timer or interrupt process.
sc_procWakeupDisable(): Disables the wakeup of a timer or interrupt process.
sc_procPrioGet(): Gets the priority of a prioritized process.
sc_procPrioSet(): Sets the priority of a process.
sc_procDaemonRegister(): Registers a process daemon.
sc_procDaemonUnregister(): Unregisters a process daemon.
2.4.3. Process Information
sc_procIdGet(): Gets the process ID of a process by providing the name of the process.
sc_procNameGet(): Gets the full name of a process.
sc_procPathGet: Get the full path of a process.
sc_procPpidGet(): Gets the process ID of the parent (creator) of a process.
sc_procAttrGet(): Gets the specific attributes of a process.
sc_procVectorGet(): Gets the interrupt vector of an interrupt process.
sc_procCBChk(): Does a diagnostic test for all elements of the process control block of specific process.
2.4.4. Process Variables
sc_procVarSet(): Sets or modifies a process variable.
sc_procVarInit(): Does a setup and initializes a process variable area.
sc_procVarGet(): Reads a process variable.
sc_procVarDel(): Deletes a process variable from the process variable data area.
sc_procVarRm(): Remove a whole process variable area.
2.4.5. Process Supervision
sc_procObserve(): Supervices a process.
sc_procUnobserve(): Cancels an installed supervision of a process.
sc_procAtExit(): Registers a function to be called if a prioritized process is killed.
sc_procHookRegister(): Supervices a process.
2.4.6. Process Safety
sc_procFlowSignatureInit(): Initializes the caller’s process program flow signature.
sc_procFlowSignatureGet(): Gets the caller’s process program flow signature.
sc_procFlowSignatureUpdate(): Updates the caller’s process program flow signature.
2.5. Module System Calls
2.5.1. Module Creation and Killing
sc_moduleCreate(): Creates a module in a V1 Kernel.
sc_moduleCreate2(): Creates a module in a V2/V2INT Kernel.
sc_moduleKill(): Kills a module.
sc_sysModuleCreate2(): Creates a module in a V2/V2INT Kernel (private function).
2.5.2. Module Controlling
sc_moduleStop(): Stops a module.
2.5.3. Module Information
sc_moduleCBChk(): Does a diagnostic test for all elements of the module control block of specific module.
sc_moduleIdGet(): Gets the ID of a module.
sc_moduleNameGet(): Gets the name of a module.
sc_modulePrioGet(): Gets the priority of a module.
sc_moduleInfo(): Gets a snap-shot of a module control block.
2.5.4. Module Friendship
sc_moduleFriendAdd(): Adds a module to the friendlist in a V1 kernel.
sc_moduleFriendAll(): Defines all existing modules in a system as friend in a V1 kernel.
sc_moduleFriendGet(): Checks if a module is a friend in a V1 kernel.
sc_moduleFriendNone(): Remove all modules from the friendlist in a V1 kernel.
sc_moduleFriendRm(): Remove a module from the friendlist in a V1 kernel.
2.6. Message Pool System Calls
2.6.1. Pool Creation and Killing
sc_poolCreate(): Creates a new message pool inside the callers module.
sc_poolKill(): Kills a message pool.
sc_sysPoolCreate(): Creates a new message pool (private function).
2.6.2. Pool Controlling
sc_poolDefault(): Sets a message pool as default pool.
sc_poolReset(): Resets a message pool in its original state.
sc_poolHookRegister(): Registers a pool create or pool kill hook.
2.6.3. Pool Information
sc_poolCBChk(): Does a diagnostic test for all elements of the pool control block.
sc_poolIdGet(): Gets the ID of a message pool by its name.
sc_poolInfo(): Gets a snap-shot of a pool control block.
2.7. Safe Data Type System Calls
sc_safe_charSet(): Sets safe data of specific char types at a given address in memory.
sc_safe_charGet(): Gets safe data of specific char types.
sc_safe_shortSet(): Sets safe data of specific short types at a given address in memory.
sc_safe_shortGet(): Gets safe data of specific short types.
sc_safe_<type>Set(): Set safe data of specific types at a given address in memory.
sc_safe_<type>Get(): Gets safe data of specific types.
Kernels: Only V2INT
2.8. Timing System Calls
sc_sleep(): Suspends the calling process for a defined time.
2.9. Timeout server System Calls
sc_tmoAdd(): Requests a timeout message from the kernel after a defined time.
sc_tmoRm(): Remove a timeout before it is expired.
2.10. System Tick System Calls
sc_tick(): Calls directly the kernel tick function and advances the kernel tick counter by 1.
sc_tickLength(): Sets or gets the current system tick length in microseconds.
sc_tickGet(): Gets the actual kernel tick counter value.
sc_tickGet64(): Returns the current system tick (V2 only).
sc_tickActivationGet(): Returns the tick time of last activation of the calling process.
sc_tickTick2Ms(): Converts a time from system ticks into milliseconds.
sc_tickMs2Tick(): Convert a time from milliseconds into system ticks.
2.11. Process Trigger System Calls
sc_trigger(): Activates a process trigger.
sc_triggerValueSet(): Sets the value of a process trigger to any positive value.
sc_triggerValueGet(): Gets the value of a process trigger.
sc_triggerWait(): Waits on a process trigger.
2.12. CONNECTOR System Calls
sc_connectorRegister(): Registers a connector process.
sc_connectorUnregister(): Removes a registered connector process.
sc_connectorRemote2Local(): Translate a remote PID to a local one.
sc_connectorLocal2Remote(): Translate a local one to a remote PID.
2.13. CRC System Calls
sc_miscCrc(): Calculates a 16 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-16-CCITT) over a specified memory range.
sc_miscCrcContd(): Calculates a 16 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-16-CCITT) over an additional memory range.
sc_miscCrc32(): Calculates a 32 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-32-IEEE 802.3) over a specified memory range.
sc_miscCrc32Contd(): Calculates a 32 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-32-IEEE 802.3) over an additional memory range.
sc_miscCrcString(): calculates a cyclic redundancy check value of a zero terminated string.
sc_miscKerneldRegister(): Register caller as kerneld.
2.14. Error System Calls
sc_miscError(): Calls the error hooks with a user error.
sc_miscError2():Calls the error hooks with an user error (V2, V2INT).
sc_miscErrnoSet(): Sets the process error number (errno) variable.
sc_miscErrnoGet(): Gets the process error number (errno) variable.
2.15. Global Flow Control System Calls
sc_miscFlowSignatureInit(): Initializes a global program flow signature.
sc_miscFlowSignatureGet(): Gets a global program flow signature.
sc_miscFlowSignatureUpdate(): Updates a global program flow signature.
2.16. Simulator System Calls
sciopta_start(): Starts a SCIOPTA Kernel Simulator application.
sciopta_end(): Ends a SCIOPTA Kernel Simulator application.
2.17. BSP System Calls
_start: Kernel entry.
main : Program’s main() function (part of the kernel)
sc_sysIrqDispatcher(): Handle hardware interrupt.
sc_sysIrqEpilogue(): Finalize interrupt handling.
sc_sysSWI(): Handle Software Interrupts
sc_sysSVC(): Handle Software Interrupts
2.18. SCAPI System Calls
SCAPI provides only a sub-set of the function calls of the V2 kernel.
sc_msgAlloc: Allocates a memory buffer of selectable size from a message pool
sc_msgAllocClr: Allocates a memory buffer of selectable size from a message pool and will initialize the data
area of the message to 0. -
sc_msgFree: Returns an allocated message to the message pool.
sc_msgSndGet: Gets the process ID of the sender of a message.
sc_msgAddrGet: Gets the process ID of the addressee of a message.
sc_msgRx: Receives messages.
sc_msgTx: Transmits a message to a process.
sc_msgTxAlias: Transmit a message to a process by setting a process ID as sender.
sc_msgAcquire: Change the owner of a message.
sc_msgPoolIdGet: Get the pool ID of a message.
sc_msgOwnerGet: Get the process ID of the owner of a message.
sc_msgSizeSet: Decrease the requested size of a message buffer.
sc_msgSizeGet: Get the requested size of a message.
sc_poolCreate: Creates a new message pool inside the callers module.
*#Note: If SCAPI is created without pool, message functions will use malloc/free.#*
sc_procIdGet: Gets the process ID of a process by providing the name of the process.
sc_procKill: Kills a process.
sc_procObserve: Supervise a process.
sc_procUnobserve: Remove all observe msg from process pid.
sc_procCreate2: Creates a process in a V2 and V2INT Kernel.
sc_procPathGet: Get the full path of a process.
sc_procNameGet: Gets the full name of a process.
sc_procAttrGet: Get specific attributes for a process.
sc_procPrioSet(): Sets the priority of a process.
sc_poolInfo: Get info of a pool.
sc_poolIdGet: Get the ID of a message pool by its name.
sc_connectorRegister: Registers a connector process.
sc_connectorLocal2Remote: Translate a local one to a remote PID.
sc_connectorRemote2Local: Translate a remote PID to a local one.
sc_tickGet: Gets the actual kernel tick counter value.
sc_tickLength: Set or get the current system tick length in microseconds.
sc_tickMs2Tick: Convert a time from milliseconds into system ticks.
sc_tickTick2Ms: Convert a time from system ticks into milliseconds.
sc_sleep: Suspends the calling process for a defined time.
sc_miscErrorHookRegister: Register an error hook.
sc_miscErrnoGet: Get the process error number (errno) variable.
sc_miscErrnoSet: Set the process error number (errno) variable.
sc_miscError: Call the error hooks with an user error.
SCAPI only:
sc_sysApiInit: Init SCAPI.
sc_sysApiIdle: Call when process is Idle.
sc_sysApiExit: Terminate SCAPI.
sc_sysApiVersionGet: Get the current SCAPI version.
sc_sysProcSwapsGet: Return number of simulated task swaps.
sc_sysProcHandleGet: Return host system’s thread ID of a SCAPI process.
sc_sysPoolCBdump: Dump a pool control block to terminal.
sc_sysPoolDump: Dump a pool contents to terminal.
SCAPI Internal System Calls
sc_sysProcCurrentName: Return name of current process.
sc_sysProcPcbGet: Return pcb of current (pid == 0) or specific process.
3. System Calls Reference
3.1. Introduction
This chapter contains a detailed description of all SCIOPTA kernel system calls in alphabetical order.
3.2. sc_connectorRegister
3.2.1. Description
Register a connector process. The caller becomes a connector process.
Connector processes are used to connect different target in distributed SCIOPTA systems. Messages sent to external processes (residing on remote target or CPU) are sent by the kernel to the local connector processes.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.2.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_connectorRegister( int defaultConn );
3.2.3. Parameter
DefaultConn |
Defines the type of registered CONNECTOR. |
== 0 |
The caller becomes a connector process. The name of the process corresponds to the name of the target. |
!= 0 |
The caller becomes the default connector for the system. The name of the process corresponds to the name of the target. |
3.2.4. Return Value
Process ID |
Used to define the process ID for distributed processes. |
3.2.5. Example
sc_pid_t connid;
connid = sc_connectorRegister(1);
3.2.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process type (see pcb.h). |
Default CONNECTOR is already defined. |
pid |
Process is already a CONNECTOR. |
0 |
The maximum number of CONNECTORS is reached. |
3.3. sc_connectorRemote2Local
3.3.1. Description
Translate a PID of a remote process to a local "remote" PID.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.3.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_connectorRemote2Local( sc_pid_t connPid, sc_pid_t remotePid );
3.3.3. Parameter
connPid |
PID of the connector for the remote system. |
remotePid |
remote PID. |
3.3.4. Return Value
Remote PID.
3.3.5. Example
sc_connectorRemote2Local(connPid, remotePid);
3.3.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a connector process. |
0 |
connPid is not a (valid) connector PID. |
connPid |
remotePid is already a remote PID. |
remotePid |
3.4. sc_connectorLocal2Remote
3.4.1. Description
Translates a local remote PID to the actual PID in the remote system.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.4.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_connectorLocal2Remote( sc_pid_t remotePid );
3.4.3. Parameter
remotePid |
Remote PID. |
3.4.4. Return Value
pid or SC_ILLEGAL_PID if called from interrupt/timer
3.4.5. Example
sc_pid_t remotePid;
sc_pid_t realPid;
remotePid = sc_msgSndGet(&msg);
realPid = sc_connectorLocal2Remote(remotePid);
3.4.6. Errors
3.5. sc_connectorUnregister
3.5.1. Description
Remove a registered connector process. The caller becomes a normal prioritized process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.5.2. Syntax
void sc_connectorUnregister(void);
3.5.3. Parameter
3.5.4. Return Value
3.5.5. Example
3.5.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a connector process. |
0. |
3.6. sc_miscCrc
3.6.1. Description
Calculates a 16 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-16-CCITT) over a specified memory range.
The start value of the CRC is 0xFFFF.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.6.2. Syntax
uint16_t sc_miscCrc( const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length );
3.6.3. Parameter
data |
Pointer to the memory range. |
length |
Number of bytes. |
3.6.4. Return Value
The 16 bit CRC value.
3.6.5. Example
typedef struct ips_socket_s {
sc_msgid_t id;
uint16_t srcPort;
uint16_t dstPort;
ips_addr_t srcIp;
ips_addr_t dstIp;
dbl_t list;
uint16_t crc;
ips_socket_t *ref;
crc = sc_miscCrc(ref->srcPort, 4);
3.6.6. Errors
3.7. sc_miscCrcContd
3.7.1. Description
Calculates a 16 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-16-CCITT) over an additional memory range.
The variable start is the CRC start value.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.7.2. Syntax
uint16_t sc_miscCrcContd( const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length, uint16_t startHash );
3.7.3. Parameter
data |
Pointer to the memory range. |
length |
Number of bytes. |
startHash |
CRC start value. |
3.7.4. Return Value
The 16 bit CRC value.
3.7.5. Example
crc2 = sc_miscCrcContd(ref1->srcPort, 4, crc);
3.7.6. Errors
3.8. sc_miscCrc32
3.8.1. Description
Calculates a 32 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-32-IEEE 802.3, polynominal: 0x04C11DB7) over a specified memory range.
The start value of the CRC is 0xFFFFFFFF.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.8.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_miscCrc32( const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length );
3.8.3. Parameter
data |
Pointer to the memory range. |
length |
Number of bytes. |
3.8.4. Return Value
The inverted 32 bit CRC value.
3.8.5. Example
uint32_t bcrc;
uint32_t burst[4];
bcrc = sc_miscCrc32(burst, 16);
3.8.6. Errors
3.9. sc_miscCrc32Contd
3.9.1. Description
Calculates a 32 bit cyclic redundancy check value (CRC-32-IEEE 802.3, polynominal: 0x04C11DB7) over an additional memory range.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.9.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_miscCrc32Contd( const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length, uint32_t startHash );
3.9.3. Parameter
data |
Pointer to the memory range. |
length |
Number of bytes. |
startHash |
CRC32 start value. |
3.9.4. Return Value
The inverted 32 bit CRC value.
3.9.5. Example
uint32_t b2crc;
const uint8_t * burst2;
b2crc = sc_miscCrc32Contd(burst2, 16, b2crc);
3.9.6. Errors
3.10. sc_miscErrnoGet
3.10.1. Description
Get the process error number (errno) variable.
Each SCIOPTA process has an errno variable. This variable is used mainly by library functions.
The errno variable will be copied into the observe messages if the process dies.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.10.2. Syntax
sc_errcode_t sc_miscErrnoGet(void);
3.10.3. Parameter
3.10.4. Return Value
Process error code.
3.10.5. Example
if (sc_miscErrnoGet() != 104){
kprintf(0,"Can not connect: %d\n",sc_miscErrnoGet());
3.10.6. Errors
3.11. sc_miscErrnoSet
3.11.1. Description
Set the process error number (errno) variable.
Each SCIOPTA process has an errno variable.
The errno variable will be copied into the observe messages if the process dies.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.11.2. Syntax
void sc_miscErrnoSet( sc_errcode_t err );
3.11.3. Parameter
err |
User defined error code. |
3.11.4. Return Value
3.11.5. Example
3.11.6. Errors
3.12. sc_miscCrcString
3.12.1. Description
Calculates a 16bit CRC (CRC-16-CCITT) value of a zero terminated string.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.12.2. Syntax
uint16_t sc_miscCrcString( const char *data );
3.12.3. Parameter
data |
Pointer to the memory range. |
3.12.4. Return Value
The 16 bit CRC value.
3.12.5. Example
const char *process;
hash = sc_miscCrcString(process);
3.12.6. Errors
3.13. sc_miscKerneldRegister
3.13.1. Description
Register caller as kernel daemon.
The kernel daemon is used by the kernel to create and kill processes and modules.
There can only be one kernel daemon per SCIOPTA system.
The standard kernel daemon sc_kerneld
is included in the SCIOPTA kernel. This kernel daemon needs to be defined and started at system configuration as a static process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.13.2. Syntax
int sc_miscKerneldRegister(void)
3.13.3. Parameter
3.13.4. Return Value
!= 0 |
Registration successfull. |
3.13.5. Example
3.13.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller not in system-module. |
pid. |
Caller not prio. |
proctype. |
3.14. sc_miscError
3.14.1. Description
Call the error hooks with an user error.
The SCIOPTA error hooks is usually called when the kernel detects a system error. But the user can also call the error hook and including own error codes and additional information.
This system call will not return if there is no error hook. If an error hook is available the code of the error hook can decide to return or not.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.14.2. Syntax
void sc_miscError( sc_errcode_t err, sc_extra_t misc );
3.14.3. Parameter
err |
User defined error code. |
<error> |
User error code. |
Declares error to be system fatal. Must be ored with <error> |
Declares error to be module fatal. Must be ored with <error> |
Declares error to be process fatal. Must be ored with <error> |
misc |
Additional data to pass to the error hook. |
3.14.4. Return Value
3.14.5. Example
sc_miscError( MY_ERR_BASE + MY_ER001, (sc_extra_t) "/SCP_myproc" );
3.14.6. Errors
3.15. sc_miscError2
3.15.1. Description
Call the error hooks with an user error.
The SCIOPTA error hooks is usually called when the kernel detects a system error. But the user can also call the error hook and including own error codes and additional information.
This system call will not return if there is no error hook. If an error hook is available the code of the error hook can decide to return or not.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.15.2. Syntax
void sc_miscError2( sc_errcode_t err, sc_extra_t extra0, sc_extra_t extra1, sc_extra_t extra2, sc_extra_t extra3);
3.15.3. Parameter
err |
User defined error code. |
<error> |
User error code. |
Declares error to be system fatal. Must be ored with <error> |
Declares error to be module fatal. Must be ored with <error> |
Declares error to be process fatal. Must be ored with <error> |
extra0…3 |
Additional data to pass to the error hook. |
3.15.4. Return Value
3.15.5. Example
sc_miscError2( MY_ERR_BASE + MY_ER001, 0, 1, 2, 3);
3.15.6. Errors
3.16. sc_miscErrorHookRegister
3.16.1. Description
Register an error hook.
Each time a system error occurs the error hook will be called if there is one installed.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.16.2. Syntax
sc_errHook_t *sc_miscErrorHookRegister( sc_errHook_t *newhook );
3.16.3. Parameter
newhook |
Function pointer to the hook. |
<fptr> |
Function pointer. |
Will unregister the error hook. |
3.16.4. Return Value
Function pointer to the previous error hook if error hook was registered.
NULL if no error hook was registered.
3.16.5. Example
sc_errHook_t error_hook;
sc_miscErrorHookRegister( error_hook );
3.16.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Process ID of caller is not valid (SC_ILLEGAL_PID). |
pid. |
3.17. sc_miscFlowSignatureGet
3.17.1. Description
Get a global program flow signature at index id.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.17.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_miscFlowSignatureGet( unsigned int id );
3.17.3. Parameter
id |
Global flow signature ID. |
Identity of the global flow signature which is the index into the sc_globalFlowSignatures array. |
3.17.4. Return Value
Signature value.
3.17.5. Example
uint32_t currentSig;
currentSig = sc_miscFlowSignatureGet(10);
3.17.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Flow signature ID not valid (id >= SC_MAX_GFS_IDS). |
Flow signature ID (id). |
3.18. sc_miscFlowSignatureInit
3.18.1. Description
Initialize a global program flow signature at index id.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.18.2. Syntax
void sc_miscFlowSignatureInit(unsigned int id, uint32_t signature );
3.18.3. Parameter
id |
Global flow signature ID. |
Index of the global flow signature which is the index into the sc_globalFlowSignatures array. |
signature |
Initial signature. |
Value to be stored in the sc_globalFlowSignatures array. |
3.18.4. Return Value
3.18.5. Example
sc_miscFlowSignatureInit(10, 0xDEADBEEF);
3.18.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Flow signature ID not valid (id >= SC_MAX_GFS_IDS). |
Flow signature ID (id). |
3.19. sc_miscFlowSignatureUpdate
3.19.1. Description
Update a global program flow signature with a 32bit token.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.19.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_miscFlowSignatureUpdate( unsigned int id, uint32_t token );
3.19.3. Parameter
id |
Global flow signature ID. |
Index of the global flow signature. |
token |
Token value. |
Token value to calculate new signature. |
3.19.4. Return Value
Signature value.
3.19.5. Example
uint32_t currentSig;
currentSig = sc_miscFlowSignatureUpdate( 10, 0xCAFECAFE);
3.19.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Flow signature ID not valid (id >= SC_MAX_GFS_IDS). |
Flow signature ID (id). |
3.20. sc_moduleCBChk
3.20.1. Description
Do diagnostic test for all elements of the module control block of specific module.
Kernels: V2INT
3.20.2. Syntax
int sc_moduleCBChk( sc_moduleid_t mid, uint32_t *addr, unsigned int *size );
3.20.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID or SC_CURRENT_MID when module is current. |
addr |
Pointer to the address of corrupted data. |
Will be stored if mcb is corrupted. |
size |
Pointer to the size of corrupted data. |
Will be stored if mcb is corrupted. |
3.20.4. Return Value
== 0 |
mid is wrong. |
== 1 |
Module control block is correct and therefore not corrupted. |
== -1 |
Module control block is corrupted. |
3.20.5. Example
sc_mid_t mid = sc_moduleIdGet("ips");
if ( sc_moduleCBChk(mid, NULL, NULL) != 1 ){
kprintf(0,"IPS corrupted!");
3.20.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter mid not valid (>= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
mid. |
3.21. sc_moduleCreate
3.21.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to create a module. The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
When creating a module the maximum number of pools and processes must be defined. There is a maximum number of 128 modules per SCIOPTA system possible.
Each module has a priority which can range between 0 (highest) to 31 (lowest) priority. For process scheduling SCIOPTA uses a combination of the module priority and process priority called effective priority. The kernel determines this effective priority as follows:
peff = min (pmodule + pprocess, 31)
This technique assures that process with highest process priority (0) cannot disturb processes in modules with lower module priority (module protection).
Each module contains an init process with process priority=0 which will be created automatically.
If the module priority of the created module is higher than the effective priority of the caller the init process of the created module will be swapped in.
Kernels: V1
3.21.2. Syntax
sc_moduleid_t sc_moduleCreate(
const char *name,
void (*init) (void),
sc_bufsize_t stacksize,
sc_prio_t moduleprio,
char *start,
sc_modulesize_t size,
sc_modulesize_t initsize,
unsigned int max_pools,
unsigned int max_procs
3.21.3. Parameter
name |
Pointer to the module name. |
The name is an ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
init |
Function pointer to the init process function. |
This is the address where the init process of the module will start execution. |
stacksize |
Stacksize of the INIT process in bytes. |
moduleprio |
Module priority. |
The priority of the module which range from 0 to 31. |
size |
Size of the module in bytes. |
The minimum module size can be estimated according to the following formula (bytes): |
initsize |
Size of the initialized data. |
This contains static variables or code that needs to run in RAM. |
max_pools |
Maximum number of pools in the module. |
The kernel will not allow to create more pools inside the module than stated here. Maximum value is 128. |
max_procs |
Maximum number of processes in the module. |
The kernel will not allow to create more processes inside the module than stated here. Maximum value is 16384. |
3.21.4. Return Value
Module ID.
3.21.5. System startup
The generated file sconf.c
expects for each module a variable of type sc_module_addr_t
with the name of the module + `_mod'.
This variable must be provided by the user and is typically generated by the linker.
typedef sc_module_addr_s {
char *start;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t initsize;
3.21.6. Example
extern sc_module_addr_t m2mod;
my_mid = sc_moduleCreate(
/* name */ "m2mod",
/* init function */ m2mod_init,
/* init stacksize */ 512,
/* module prio */ 2,
/* module start */ (char *)m2mod.start,
/* module size */ (uint32_t)m2mod.size,
/* init size */ (uint32_t)m2mod.initsize,
/* max. pools */ 4,
/* max. process */ 32);
3.21.7. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Process control blocks and pool control blocks do not fit in module size. |
Module size. |
Requested name does not comply with SCIOPTA naming rules or does already exist. |
Maximum number of modules reached. |
Number of modules. |
Module addresses or sizes not valid. |
3.22. sc_moduleCreate2
3.22.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to create a module. The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
When creating a module the maximum number of pools and processes must be defined. There is a maximum number of 128 modules per SCIOPTA system possible.
Each module has also a priority which can range between 0 (highest) to 31 (lowest) priority. This module priority defines a maximum priority level for all processes contained inside that module. The kernel will generate an error, if a process is created which has a higher priority than the module priority.
Each module contains an init process with process priority = 0 which will be created automatically.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.22.2. Syntax
sc_moduleid_t sc_moduleCreate2( sc_mdb_t *mdb );
3.22.3. Parameter
mdb |
Pointer to the module descriptor block (mdb) which defines the module to create. |
3.22.4. Return Value
Module ID.
3.22.5. Module Descriptor Block
The module descriptor block is a structure which defines a module to be created.
The definition of the structure can be found in module.h
struct sc_mdb_s {
char name[SC_MODULE_NAME_SIZE+1];
sc_module_addr_t *maddr;
sc_prio_t maxPrio;
unsigned int maxPools;
unsigned int maxProcs;
void (*init)(void);
sc_bufsize_t stacksize;
uint8_t safetyFlag;
uint8_t nCSA;
uint8_t core;
uint8_t secureFlag;
uint32_t *pt;
typedef struct sc_mdb_s sc_mdb_t; Structure Members
name |
Name of the module to create. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
maddr |
Pointer to a structure containing the module addresses and size. |
maxPrio |
Maximum module priority. |
The priority of the module which range from 0 to 31. 0 is the highest priority. |
maxPools |
Maximum number of pools in the module. |
The kernel will not allow to create more pools inside the module than stated here. Maximum value is 128. |
maxProcs |
Maximum number of processes in the module. |
The kernel will not allow to create more processes inside the module than stated here. Maximum value is 512. |
init |
Function pointer to the init process function. |
This is the address where the init process of the module will start execution. |
stacksize |
Stack size of the module init process. |
safetyFlag |
Module safety flag. |
SC_KRN_FLAG_FALSE Non-Safety module. |
nCSA |
maximum number of CSAs, AURIX only, else write 0. |
core |
Future use, write 0. |
secureFlag |
SC_KRN_FLAG_FALSE Non-Secure module. |
pt |
Pointer to the page table for MMU/MPU. Write 0 if MMU/MPU not used. |
Module Address and Size
This is a structure which defines the module addresses and sizes to be created. It is usually generated by the linker script.
It is defined in the header file modules.h.
For ARM:
typedef struct sc_module_addr_s {
char *start;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t initsize;
} sc_module_addr_t;
For PowerPC:
typedef struct sc_module_addr_ppc_s {
uint8_t *start;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t initsize;
uint32_t sdata; /* sdata pointer (r2) */
uint32_t sdata2; /* sdata2 pointer (r13) */
} sc_module_addr_ppc_t;
typedef struct sc_module_addr_aurix_s {
uint8_t *start;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t initsize;
uint32_t csa_start; /* start of CSA space */
uint32_t csa_max; /* maximum number of contexts */
} sc_module_addr_aurix_t;
Structure Members
start |
Start address of the module in RAM. |
size |
Size of the module in bytes (RAM). |
The minimum module size can be calculated as follows: |
initsize |
Size of the initialized data. |
This contains static variables or code that needs to run in RAM. |
sdata |
sdata pointer (r2) (only PPC). |
sdata2 |
sdata2 pointer (r13) (only PPC). |
csa_start |
Start of CSA space (only AURIX). |
sdata2 |
Maximum number of contexts (only AURIX). |
3.22.6. Example
extern sc_module_addr_t M2_mod;
static const sc_mdb_t mdb = {
/* module-name */ "M2",
/* module addresses */ &M2_mod, /* => linker-script */
/* max. priority */ 0,
/* max. pools */ 2,
/* max. procs */ 3,
/* init-function */ M2_init, /* init-stacksize */512,
/* safety-flag */ SC_KRN_FLAG_TRUE,
/* nCSA */ 0,
/* core */ 0,
/* secure-flag */ SC_KRN_FLAG_FALSE,
/* pt */ 0
sc_moduleid_t mid = sc_moduleCreate2(&mdb);
3.22.7. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter mdb not valid. 0 or SC_NIL. |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Process control blocks and pool control blocks do not fit in module size. |
defined module size. |
minimum module size. |
Requested name does not comply with SCIOPTA naming rules or does already exist. |
Maximum number of modules reached. |
Number of modules. |
Parameter of module descriptor block not valid. |
wrong parameter: |
mdb |
position in mdb (count starts with 0) |
Module addresses or sizes not valid. |
wrong parameter |
pointer to module address structure |
position in module address structure (count starts with 0) |
Modules do overlap. |
Requested start address. |
overlapped module start address. |
3.23. sc_moduleFriendAdd
3.23.1. Description
Add a module to the friendlist. The caller defines the module mid as friend. The module is entered in the friend set of the caller.
Messages sent to a process in module which is "friend" will not be copied.
Kernels: V1
3.23.2. Syntax
void sc_moduleFriendAdd( sc_moduleid_t mid );
3.23.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
The ID of the module to add. |
3.23.4. Return Value
3.23.5. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
Module ID. |
3.24. sc_moduleFriendAll
3.24.1. Description
Define all existing modules in a system as friend.
Kernels: V1
3.24.2. Syntax
void sc_moduleFriendAll(void);
3.24.3. Parameter
3.24.4. Return Value
3.24.5. Errors
3.25. sc_moduleFriendGet
3.25.1. Description
Check if a module is a friend. The caller will be informed if the module in parameter mid is a friend.
Kernels: V1
3.25.2. Syntax
int sc_moduleFriendGet( sc_moduleid_t mid );
3.25.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
The ID of the module which will be checked if it is a friend or not. |
3.25.4. Return Value
== 0 |
Module is not a friend (not included in the friend set) |
!== 0 |
Module is a friend (included in the friend set) |
3.25.5. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
Module ID. |
3.26. sc_moduleFriendNone
3.26.1. Description
Remove all modules from the friendlist.
Kernels: V1
3.26.2. Syntax
void sc_moduleFriendNone(void);
3.26.3. Parameter
3.26.4. Return Value
3.26.5. Errors
3.27. sc_moduleFriendRm
3.27.1. Description
Remove a module from the friendlist. The caller removes the module in parameter mid as friend.
Kernels: V1
3.27.2. Syntax
void sc_moduleFriendRm( sc_moduleid_t mid );
3.27.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
The ID of the module of the old friend to remove. |
3.27.4. Return Value
3.27.5. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
Module ID. |
3.28. sc_moduleIdGet
3.28.1. Description
Get the ID of a module.
In contrast to the call sc_procIdGet, you can just give the name as parameter and not a path.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.28.2. Syntax
sc_moduleid_t sc_moduleIdGet( const char *name );
3.28.3. Parameter
name |
Module name. |
<name> |
Pointer to the 0 terminated name string. |
Current module. |
3.28.4. Return Value
Module ID |
Module name was found. |
Current Module ID |
Module ID of the caller. If Parameter name is NULL. |
Module name was not found. |
3.28.5. Example
sc_moduleid_t mid;
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("user_01");
3.28.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
String pointed to by name too long. |
Name. |
3.29. sc_moduleInfo
3.29.1. Description
Get a snap-shot of a module control block (mcb).
SCIOPTA maintains a module control block (mcb) per module and a process control block (pcb) per process which contains information about the module and process. A system level debugger or run-time debug code can use this system call to get a copy of the control blocks.
The caller supplies a module control block structure in a local variable. The kernel will fill this structure with the module control block data.
You cannot directly access the module control blocks.
The structure of the module control block is defined in the module.h include file.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.29.2. Syntax
int sc_moduleInfo(sc_moduleid_t mid, sc_moduleInfo_t *info );
3.29.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
<mid> |
ID of the module. |
Current module ID (module ID of the caller). |
info |
Pointer to a local structure of a module control block. |
3.29.4. Return Value
== 1 |
Module was found. In this case the info structure is filled with valid data. |
== 0 |
Module was not found. |
3.29.5. Module Info Structure
The module info is a structure containing a snap-shot of the module control block.
It is included in the header file modules.h.
For Kernels V1:
typedef struct sc_moduleInfo_s{
sc_moduleid_t mid;
char name[SC_MODULE_NAME_SIZE+1];
char *text;
sc_modulesize_t textsize;
char *data;
sc_modulesize_t datasize;
unsigned int max_process;
unsigned int nprocess;
unsigned int max_pools;
unsigned int npools;
For Kernels V2 and V2INT:
typedef struct sc_moduleInfo_s {
sc_moduleid_t mid;
sc_pid_t ppid;
char name[SC_MODULE_NAME_SIZE+1];
char *text;
sc_modulesize_t textsize;
char *data;
sc_modulesize_t datasize;
sc_modulesize_t freesize;
unsigned int max_process;
unsigned int nprocess;
unsigned int max_pools;
unsigned int npools;
}sc_moduleInfo_t; Structure Members
mid |
Module ID. |
ppid |
Process which created the module (V2/INT only ). |
name |
Name of the module. |
text |
Current address into module text segment. |
textsize |
Size of module text segment (initialized data as it does also contain static variables). |
data |
Start address of the module’s data area. |
datasize |
Total size of the module’s data area. |
freesize |
Free size of module. |
max_process |
Maximum defined number of processes in the module. |
nprocess |
Actual number of processes. |
max_pools |
Maximum defined number of pools in the module. |
npools |
Actual number of pools.. |
3.29.6. Example
sc_moduleid_t mid;
sc_moduleInfo_t usr_info;
int check;
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("user_01");
check = sc_moduleInfo(mid, &usr_info);
3.29.7. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter info not valid (info == 0). |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
mid. |
3.30. sc_moduleKill
3.30.1. Description
Dynamically kill a whole module.
The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
All processes and pools in the module will be killed and removed. The system call will return when the whole kill process is done. The system module cannot be killed.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.30.2. Syntax
void sc_moduleKill( sc_moduleid_t mid, sc_flags_t flags );
3.30.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
<mid> |
Module ID of the module to be killed and removed. |
Current module ID (module ID of the caller). |
flags |
Module kill flags. |
0 |
A cleaning up will be executed. |
No cleaning up will be done. |
3.30.4. Return Value
3.30.5. Example
sc_moduleid_t mid;
sc_moduleInfo_t usr_info;
int check;
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("user_01");
sc_moduleKill(mid, 0);
3.30.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Module to be killed is the system module. |
MID is not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
MID is not valid ( mcb ==SC_NIL). |
mid. |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
pcb. |
3.31. sc_moduleNameGet
3.31.1. Description
Get the name of a module.
The name will be returned as a 0 terminated string.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.31.2. Syntax
const char *sc_moduleNameGet( sc_moduleid_t mid );
3.31.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
<mid> |
Module ID of the module to get the name. |
Current module ID (module ID of the caller). |
3.31.4. Return Value
Name string |
Module was found. |
Module was not found. |
3.31.5. Example
sc_moduleid_t mid;
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("user_01");
printf("Module :%s\n", sc_moduleNameGet (mid));
3.31.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
mid. |
3.32. sc_modulePrioGet
3.32.1. Description
Get the priority of a module.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.32.2. Syntax
sc_prio_t sc_modulePrioGet( sc_moduleid_t mid );
3.32.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
<mid> |
Module ID of the module to get the priority. |
Current module ID (module ID of the caller). |
3.32.4. Return Value
Module priority |
Module was found and was valid. |
Module was not valid (mcb == SC_NIL). |
3.32.5. Example
sc_moduleid_t mid;
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("user_01");
printf("Module Priority :%u\n", sc_modulePrioGet (mid));
3.32.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
mid. |
3.33. sc_moduleStop
3.33.1. Description
Stop a module.
It will stop all processes in a module.
The process stop will be done in the order of their process ID. First all interrupt and timer processes will be stopped and then all prioritized processes are stopped.
The stop behaves identically as the sc_procStop system call for the respective process types.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.33.2. Syntax
void sc_moduleStop( sc_moduleid_t mid );
3.33.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID. |
<mid> |
Module ID of the module to stop. |
Current module ID (module ID of the caller). |
3.33.4. Return Value
3.33.5. Example
sc_moduleid_t mid;
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("user_01");
sc_moduleStop (mid);
3.33.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Module ID not valid (mid >= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
mid. |
Stopcounter overrun. |
pcb. |
3.34. sc_sysModuleCreate
3.34.1. Description
Create a new module. This function does not use the kernel daemon and is used mainly in sconf.c
When creating a module the maximum number of pools and processes must be defined. There is a maximum number of 128 modules per SCIOPTA system possible.
Each module has a priority which can range between 0 (highest) to 31 (lowest) priority. For process scheduling SCIOPTA uses a combination of the module priority and process priority called effective priority. The kernel determines this effective priority as follows:
peff = min (pmodule + pprocess, 31)
This technique assures that process with highest process priority (0) cannot disturb processes in modules with lower module priority (module protection).
Each module contains an init process with process priority=0 which will be created automatically.
If the module priority of the created module is higher than the effective priority of the caller the init process of the created module will be swapped in.
Kernels: V1
3.34.2. Syntax
sc_moduleid_t sc_sysModuleCreate(
const char *name,
void (*init) (void),
sc_bufsize_t stacksize,
sc_prio_t moduleprio,
char *start,
sc_modulesize_t size,
sc_modulesize_t initsize,
unsigned int max_pools,
unsigned int max_procs
3.34.3. Parameter
See sc_moduleCreate
3.35. sc_sysModuleCreate2
3.35.1. Description
Create a module without kernel daemon.
When creating a module the maximum number of pools and processes must be defined. There is a maximum number of 128 modules per SCIOPTA system possible.
Each module has also a priority which can range between 0 (highest) to 31 (lowest) priority. This module priority defines a maximum priority level for all processes contained inside that module. The kernel will generate an error, if a process is created which has a higher priority than the module priority.
Each module contains an init process with process priority = 0 which will be created automatically.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.35.2. Syntax
sc_moduleid_t sc_moduleCreate2(
sc_mdb_t *mdb,
sc_pid_t ppid,
sc_errcode_t *error,
sc_extra_t *extra
3.35.3. Parameter
mdb |
Pointer to the module descriptor block (mdb) which defines the module to create. |
ppid |
Parent process ID, does not have to be the caller’s ID. |
error |
Pointer to a |
extra |
Pointer to an array of 4 |
NOTE: 'error' and 'extra' parameters are not valid for Assembly kernels! Those values are returned in registers.
3.35.4. Return Value
Module ID.
3.35.5. Errors
See sc_moduleCreate2
3.36. sc_msgAcquire
3.36.1. Description
Change the owner of a message. The caller becomes the owner of the message.
The kernel will copy the message into a new message buffer allocated from the default pool if the message resides not in a pool of the callers module and the callers module is not friend to the module where the message resides. In this case the message pointer (msgptr) will be modified.
Please use sc_msgAcquire with care. Transferring message buffers without proper ownership control by using sc_msgAcquire instead of transmitting and receiving messages with sc_msgTx and sc_msgRx will cause problems if you are killing processes.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.36.2. Syntax
void sc_msgAcquire( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.36.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to the message buffer pointer. |
3.36.4. Return Value
3.36.5. Example
/* Change owner of a message */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_msg_t msg2;
msg2 = msg->transport.msg; /* receive msg indirect */
sc_msgAcquire(&msg2); /* become owner of the message */
3.36.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Message header is corrupt. Kernel is the message owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.37. sc_msgAddrGet
3.37.1. Description
Get the process ID of the addressee of a message.
This system call is used in communication software of distributed multi-CPU systems (using connector processes). It allows to retrieve the original addressee if the kernel has forwarded a message to a connector which was sent to a remote process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.37.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_msgAddrGet( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.37.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to the message buffer pointer. |
3.37.4. Return Value
Process ID of the addressee of the message.
3.37.5. Example
/* Get original addressee of a message */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t addr;
addr = sc_msgAddrGet(&msg);
3.37.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.38. sc_msgAlloc
3.38.1. Description
Allocate a memory buffer of selectable size from a message pool.
SCIOPTA supports ownership of messages. The new allocated buffer is owned by the caller process.
SCIOPTA is not returning a buffer with the exact amount of bytes requested but will select the best fit from a list of fixed buffer sizes. This list can contain 4, 8 or 16 different sizes which will be defined when a message pool is created. The content of the allocated message buffer is not initialized and can have any random value.
As SCIOPTA supports multiple pools the caller has to state the pool ID (plid) from where to allocate the message. The pool can only be in the same module as the caller process.
The caller can define how the system will respond to memory shortage in message pools (tmo).
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.38.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_msgAlloc( sc_bufsize_t size, sc_msgid_t id, sc_poolid_t plid, sc_ticks_t tmo );
3.38.3. Parameter
size |
The requested size of the message buffer. |
id |
Message ID. |
The message ID which will be placed at the beginning of the data buffer of the message. |
plid |
Pool ID. |
<pool_id> |
Pool ID from where the message will be allocated. |
Message will be allocated from the default pool. The default pool can be set by the system call sc_poolDefault. |
tmo |
Allocation timing parameter. |
Timeout is not used. Blocks and waits endless until a buffer is available from the message pool. Note: This parameter is not recommended. Use with caution. |
A NIL pointer will be returned if there is memory shortage in the message pool. |
A (fatal) kernel error will be generated if a message buffer of the requested size is not available. The function will not return. |
0 < tmo ⇐ SC_TMO_MAX |
Timeout value in system ticks. Alloc with timeout. Blocks and waits the specified number of ticks to get a message buffer. |
3.38.4. Return Value
Pointer to the allocated buffer or pointer to the message or NULL if the timeout has expired.
3.38.5. Example
/* Allocate TEST_MSG from default pool */
sc_msg_t msg;
msg = sc_msgAlloc(sizeof(test_msg_t), /* size */
TEST_MSG, /* message id */
SC_DEFAULT_POOL, /* pool index */
SC_FATAL_IF_TMO /* timeout */
3.38.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Value(s) |
Description |
Pool index is not available. |
Pool index. |
Illegal message size was requested. |
Requested size. |
Pool CB (or -1). |
Request for number of bytes could not be fulfilled. |
size. |
Pool CB. |
tmo value not valid. |
tmo value. |
Illegal default pool index. This is a warning and will continue with pool 0 upon return from error hook. |
Pool index. |
Process would swap but interrupts and/or scheduler are/is locked. |
Lock counter value or -1 if interrupt are locked. |
Illegal process type. |
Process type. |
tmo-flag with wrong value. Likely system is corrupt. |
tmo-flag. |
3.39. sc_msgAllocClr
3.39.1. Description
This system call works exactly the same as sc_msgAlloc but will clear the data area to zero.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.39.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_msgAllocClr(sc_bufsize_t size, sc_msgid_t id, sc_poolid_t plid, sc_ticks_t tmo );
3.39.3. Parameter
Parameter values are the same as in sc_msgAlloc.
3.39.4. Return Value
Return values are the same as in sc_msgAlloc.
3.39.5. Example
/* Allocate TEST_MSG from default pool and clear its content*/
sc_msg_t msg;
msg = sc_msgAllocClr(sizeof(test_msg_t), /* size */
TEST_MSG, /* message id */
SC_DEFAULT_POOL, /* pool index */
SC_FATAL_IF_TMO /* timeout */
3.39.6. Errors
Errors are the same as in sc_msgAlloc.
3.40. sc_msgAllocTx
3.40.1. Description
Allocates a message of 12 (32 bit systems) or 20 (64 bit systems) bytes from the default pool of the addressee and stores id, data1 and data2 in this message. Then the message is transmitted to the addressee.
This call combines sc_msgAlloc with sc_msgTx and no copying is involved if the message is sent across module boundaries.
NOTE: `addressee` must be a prioritized process!
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.40.2. Syntax
void sc_msgAllocTx(sc_msgid_t id,int data1,int data2, sc_pid_t addressee);
3.40.3. Parameter
id |
Message ID. |
The message ID which will be placed at the beginning of the data buffer of the message. |
data1 |
Data 1 to send. |
data2 |
Data 2 to send. |
addressee |
The process ID of the addressee. |
<pid> |
Valid SCIOPTA Process ID. Addressee must be a prioritized process. |
The caller himself. |
3.40.4. Return Value
3.40.5. Example
sc_msgAllocTx(ACK_MSG, 10, 20, dest_pid);
3.40.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Addressee pid not valid (is init0). Bigger than SC_MODULE_MAXPROCESS). Illegal CONNECTOR pid. Illegal module. |
Addressee process ID. |
Illegal message size was requested. |
Requested size. |
Pool CB (or -1). |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process type. |
Illegal default pool index. This is a warning and will continue with pool 0 upon return from error hook. |
Pool index. |
Pool index in message header has an illegal value. Thrown in the addressee’s module. |
Pool index. |
The pointer is outside the pool. Possible pool id corruption. Thrown in the addressee’s module. |
Pointer to message header. |
Request for number of bytes could not be fulfilled. Thrown in the addressee’s module. |
size. |
Pool CB. |
3.41. sc_msgDataCrcDis
3.41.1. Description
Disable the message data CRC check for the message in the parameter.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.41.2. Syntax
void sc_msgDataCrcDis( sc_msgptr_t msg );
3.41.3. Parameter
msg |
Pointer to the message pointer. |
3.41.4. Return Value
3.41.5. Example
sc_msg_t message ;
msg = sc_msgAllocClr( 32,0x1234, SC_DEFAULT_POOL, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO);
3.41.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Illegal message size was requested. |
Requested size. |
Pool CB (or -1). |
Process does not own the message. |
PID of owner. |
Pointer to message header. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.42. sc_msgDataCrcGet
3.42.1. Description
Check the message data checksum.
In the SCIOPTA Safety Kernel INT the message header may contain a CRC32 hash of the message data. If the message data is corrupt or no check is performed a 0 is returned. If the message data is valid the checksum is returned.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.42.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_msgDataCrcGet( sc_msgptr_t msg );
3.42.3. Parameter
msg |
Pointer to the message pointer. |
3.42.4. Return Value
CRC was set and valid. |
0 |
CRC was not set or invalid. |
3.42.5. Example
sc_msg_t message;
msg = sc_msgAllocClr( 32,0x1234, SC_DEFAULT_POOL, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO);
si ( sc_msgDataCrcGet(&msg) == 0 ){
3.42.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
PID of owner. |
Pointer to message header. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.43. sc_msgDataCrcSet
3.43.1. Description
In the SCIOPTA Safety Kernel INT the message header may contain a CRC32 value of the message.
Calculate a CRC32 over the message data and store it in the message header.
Kernels: V2INT
3.43.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_msgDataCrcSet( sc_msgptr_t msg );
3.43.3. Parameter
msg |
Pointer to the message pointer. |
3.43.4. Return Value
CRC of the message data.
3.43.5. Example
sc_msg_t message;
msg = sc_msgAllocClr( 32,0x1234, SC_DEFAULT_POOL, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO);
3.43.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
PID of owner. |
Pointer to message header. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.44. sc_msgFind
3.44.1. Description
Find messages which have been allocated or already received. The allocated-messages queue of the caller will be searched for the desired messages. This call is similar to sc_msgRx but instead of searching the messages-input queue the allocated-messages queue will be scanned. This queue holds the messages which have already been received (by sc_msgRx) or messages which have been allocated by the caller process.
If a message matching the conditions is found the kernel will return to the caller. If the allocated-messages queue is empty or no wanted messages are available in the queue a NULL will be returned. The call sc_msgFind will not block the caller.
A pointer to an array (wanted) containing the messages and/or process IDs which will be scanned by sc_msgFind must be given. The array must be terminated by 0.
A parameter flag (flag) controls different searching methods:
The messages to be searched are listed in a message ID array.
The array can also contain process IDs. In this case all messages sent by the listed processes are searched.
You can also build an array of message ID and process ID pairs to find specific messages sent from specific processes.
Also a message array with reversed logic can be given. In this case any message is searched except the messages specified in the array.
If the pointer wanted to the array is NULL or the array is empty (contains only a zero element) all messages will be searched.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.44.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_msgFind( sc_msgptr_t mp, void *wanted, sc_flags_t flag );
3.44.3. Parameter
mp |
Pointer to a message in the allocated-messages queue. |
<ptr> |
Pointer to the message in the queue from where the find scanning will start. |
!=NULL |
Scanning starts from the head of the allocated-messages queue. |
wanted |
Pointer to the message (or pid) array. |
<ptr> |
Pointer to the message (or process ID) array. |
All messages will be searched. |
flag |
Select array definition. |
An array of wanted message IDs is given. |
An array of process IDs from where sent messages are received is given. |
An array of message IDs is given which will be excluded from the search. |
An array of pairs of message IDs and process IDs are given to search for specific messages from specific transmitting processes. |
3.44.4. Return Value
Pointer to the found message.
NULL if no messages are in the allocated-messages queue or no messages can be found which match the wanted flag conditions.
3.44.5. Example
sc_msg_t msg_save = NULL;
(void) sc_msgFind(&msg_save, SC_MSGFIND_ALL, SC_MSGFIND_MSGID);
3.44.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal flags. |
Flags. |
tmo-flag with wrong value. Likely system is corrupt. |
tmo-flag. |
3.45. sc_msgFlowSignatureUpdate
3.45.1. Description
Update a global message flow signature with message header elements: message ID, sender process ID and addressee process ID. The result is returned and also stored back to the global flow signature.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.45.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_msgFlowSignatureUpdate( unsigned int id, sc_msgptr_t msg );
3.45.3. Parameter
id |
Global flow signature ID. |
Index of the global flow signature. |
msg |
Pointer to message. |
3.45.4. Return Value
Signature value.
3.45.5. Example
currentSig = sc_msgFlowSignatureUpdate(10, &msg);
3.45.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Flow signature ID not valid (id >= SC_MAX_GFS_IDS). |
Flow signature ID (id). |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.46. sc_msgFree
3.46.1. Description
Return an allocated message to the message pool. Message buffers which have been returned can be used again.
Only the owner of a message is allowed to free it by calling sc_msgFree. It is a fatal error to free a message owned by another process.
Another process actually waiting to allocate a message of a full pool will become ready and therefore the caller process can be pre-empted on condition that:
the returned message buffer of the caller process has the same fixed size as the one of the waiting process and
the priority of the waiting process is higher than the priority of the caller and
the waiting process waits on the same pool as the caller will return the message to.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.46.2. Syntax
void sc_msgFree( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.46.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.46.4. Return Value
3.46.5. Example
/* Free a message */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_msgFree( &msg );
3.46.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
PID of owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Process ID is wrong. |
Process ID. |
Module in message header has an illegal value. |
Pointer to message header. |
Pool index in message header has an illegal value. |
Pointer to message header. |
Either pool ID or buffersize index are corrupted. |
Pointer to message header. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
Message is a timout message. |
3.47. sc_msgHdCheck
3.47.1. Description
Check the message header. The header will be checked for plausibility.
Checks include message ownership, valid module, message endmarks, size and others.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.47.2. Syntax
int sc_msgHdCheck( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.47.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.47.4. Return Value
!=0 |
Message header is ok. |
==0 |
Message header is corrupted. |
3.47.5. Example
sc_msg_t msg:
if (sc_msgHdCheck(&msg)) {
printf ("Message ok!");
} else {
printf ("Message corrupted!");
3.47.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.48. sc_msgHookRegister
3.48.1. Description
Register a message hook.
There can be one module message hook of each type (transmit/receive).
Kernels V1 only: If sc_msgHookRegister is called from within a module a module message hook will be registered.
A global message hook will be registered when sc_msgHookRegister is called from the start hook function which is called before SCIOPTA is initialized.
Each time a message is sent or received (depending on the setting of parameter type) the module message hook of the caller will be called if such a hook exists.
Kernels V1 only: First the module and then the global message hook will be called.
The transmit hook is called before the message is entered in the addressee’s queue.
The receive hook is called directly before returning to the receiver.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.48.2. Syntax
sc_msgHook_t *sc_msgHookRegister( int type, sc_msgHook_t *newhook );
3.48.3. Parameter
type |
Defines the type of registerred CONNECTOR. |
Registers a message transmit hook. Every time a message is sent, this hook will be called. |
Registers a message receive hook. Every time a message is received, this hook will be called. |
newhook |
Message hook function pointer. |
<funcptr> |
Function pointer to the message hook. |
Removes and unregisters the message hook. |
3.48.4. Return Value
<funcptr> |
Function pointer to the previous message hook. if the message hook was registered. |
Message hook was registered. |
3.48.5. Example
sc_msgHook_t *oldTx;
sc_msgHook_t *oldRx;
/* stop trace if running */
oldTx = sc_msgHookRegister (SC_SET_MSGTX_HOOK, 0);
oldRx = sc_msgHookRegister (SC_SET_MSGRX_HOOK, 0);
3.48.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Wrong type (unknown or not active). |
Requested message hook type. |
3.49. sc_msgOwnerGet
3.49.1. Description
Get the process ID of the owner of a message.
The kernel will examine the message buffer to determine the process who owns the message buffer.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.49.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_msgOwnerGet( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.49.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.49.4. Return Value
Process ID of the owner of the message.
3.49.5. Example
/* Get owner of received message (will be caller) */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t owner;
owner = sc_msgOwnerGet( &msg );
3.49.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.50. sc_msgPoolIdGet
3.50.1. Description
Get the pool ID of a message.
When you are allocating a message with sc_msgAlloc you need to give the ID of a pool from where the message will be allocated. During run-time you sometimes need to this information from received messages.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.50.2. Syntax
sc_poolid_t sc_msgPoolIdGet( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.50.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.50.4. Return Value
Pool ID where the message resides |
Message is in the same module than the caller. |
Message is not in the same module than the caller. |
3.50.5. Example
/* Retrieve the pool-index of a message */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_poolid_t idx;
idx = sc_msgPoolIdGet( &msg );
3.50.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.51. sc_msgRx
3.51.1. Description
This system call is used to receive messages. The receive message queue of the caller will be searched for the desired messages.
If a message matching the conditions is received the kernel will return to the caller. If the message queue is empty or no wanted messages are available in the queue the process will be swapped out and another ready process with the highest priority will run. If a desired message arrives the process will be swapped in and the wanted list will be scanned again.
A pointer to an array (wanted
) containing the messages (and/or process IDs) which will be scanned by sc_msgRx. The array must be terminated by 0.
Kernel V2 only: The kernel stores the pointer to the array in the process control block for debugging.
A parameter flag (flag
) controls different receiving methods:
The messages to be received are listed in a message ID array.
The array can also contain process IDs. In this case all messages sent by the listed processes are received.
You can also build an array of message ID and process ID pairs to receive specific messages sent from specific processes.
Also a message array with reversed logic can be given. In this case any message is received except the messages specified in the array.
If the pointer wanted to the array is NULL or the array is empty (contains only a zero element) all messages will be received.
The caller can also specify a timeout value tmo
. The caller will not wait (swapped out) longer than the specified time. If the timeout expires the process will be made ready again and sc_msgRx will return with NULL.
Kernerl V2 only: The activation time is saved for sc_msgRx in prioritized processes. The activation time is the absolute time (tick counter) value when the process became ready.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.51.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_msgRx( sc_ticks_t tmo, void *wanted, sc_flags_t flag );
3.51.3. Parameter
tmo |
Timeout. |
Blocks and waits endless until the message is received. |
No time out, returns immediately. Must be set for interrupt and timer processes. |
0 < tmo ⇐ SC_TMO_MAX |
Timeout value in system ticks. Receive with timeout. Blocks and waits a specified maximum number of ticks to receive the message. If the timeout expires the process will be made ready again and sc_msgRx will return with NULL. |
wanted |
Pointer to the message (or pid) array. |
<ptr> |
Pointer to the message (or process ID) array. |
All messages will be received. |
flag |
Receive flag. |
More than one value can be defined and must be separated by OR instructions. |
An array of wanted message IDs is given. |
An array of process IDs from where sent messages are received is given. |
An array of pairs of message IDs and process IDs are given to receive specific messages from specific transmitting processes. |
An array of message IDs is given which will be excluded from receive. |
3.51.4. Return Value
Pointer to the received message |
Message has been received. The caller becomes owner of the received message. |
Timeout expired. The process will be made ready again. |
3.51.5. Examples
/* wait max. 1000 ticks for TEST_MSG */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_msgid_t sel[2] = { TEST_MSG, 0 };
msg = sc_msgRx( 1000, /* timeout in ticks */
sel, /* selection array, here message IDs */
SC_MSGRX_MSGID); /* type of selection */
/* wait endless for a message from processes other than sndr_pid */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t sel[2];
sel[0] = sndr_pid;
sel[1] = 0;
msg = sc_msgRx( SC_ENDLESS_TMO, /* timeout in ticks, here endless*/
sel, /* selection array, here process IDs */
SC_MSGRX_PID|SC_MSGRX_NOT); /* type of selection, inverted */
/* wait for message from a certain process */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_msg_rx_t sel[3];
sel[0].msgid = TEST_MSG;
sel[0].pid = testerA_pid;
sel[1].msgid = TEST_MSG;
sel[1].pid = testerB_pid;
sel[2].msgid = 0;
sel[2].pid = 0;
msg = sc_msgRx( SC_ENDLESS_TMO, /* timeout in ticks, here endless */
sel, /* selection array, here process IDs */
SC_MSGRX_PID|SC_MSGRX_MSGID); /* type of selection */
/* Wait for any message */
sc_msg_t msg:
3.51.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
tmo value not valid. |
tmo value. |
Process would swap but interrupts and/or scheduler are/is locked. |
Lock counter value or -1 if interrupt are locked. |
Illegal flags. |
flags. |
tmo-flag with wrong value. Likely system is corrupt. |
tmo-flag. |
The calling process uses a timeout and is not a prioritized process. |
tmo-flag. |
3.52. sc_msgSizeGet
3.52.1. Description
Get the requested size of a message. The requested size is the size of the message buffer when it was allocated. The actual kernel internal used fixed size might be larger.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.52.2. Syntax
sc_bufsize_t sc_msgSizeGet( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.52.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.52.4. Return Value
Requested size of the message.
3.52.5. Example
/* Get the size of a message */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_bufsize_t size;
size = sc_msgSizeGet( &msg );
3.52.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.53. sc_msgSizeSet
3.53.1. Description
Decrease the requested size of a message buffer.
The originally requested message buffer size is smaller (or equal) than the SCIOPTA internal used fixed buffer size. If the need of message data decreases with time it is sometimes favourable to decrease the requested message buffer size as well. Some internal operation are working on the requested buffer size.
The fixed buffer size for the message will not be modified. The system does not support increasing the buffer size.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.53.2. Syntax
sc_bufsize_t sc_msgSizeSet( sc_msgptr_t msgptr, sc_bufsize_t newsz );
3.53.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
newsz |
New requested size of the message buffer. |
3.53.4. Return Value
New requested buffer size |
Call without error condition. |
Old requested buffer size |
It was a wrong request such as requesting a higher buffer size as the old one. |
3.53.5. Example
/* Change size of a message */
sc_msg_t msg:
/* ... do something ... */
sc_msgSizeSet(&msg, sizeof(reply_msg_t)); /* reduce size before returning */
sc_msgTx(&msg, sc_msgSndGet(&msg), 0); /* return to sender (ACK) */
3.53.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal buffer sizes. |
Buffer sizes. |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Parameter size is smaller than the size of a message id. |
Buffer sizes. |
Message would be enlarged. |
Buffer size. |
Pointer to message. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.54. sc_msgSndGet
3.54.1. Description
Get the process ID of the sender of a message.
The kernel will examine the message buffer to determine the process who has transmitted the message buffer.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.54.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_msgSndGet( sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.54.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
3.54.4. Return Value
Process ID of the sender of the message |
Message was sent at least once. |
Process ID of the owner of the message |
Message was never sent. |
3.54.5. Example
/* Get the sender of a message */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t sndr;
sndr = sc_msgSndGet( &msg );
3.54.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
3.55. sc_msgTx
3.55.1. Description
Transmit a SCIOPTA message to a process (the addressee process).
Each SCIOPTA process has one message queue for messages which have been sent to the process. The sc_msgTx system call will enter the message at the end of the receivers message queue.
The caller cannot access the message buffer any longer as it is not any more the owner. The kernel will become the owner of the message. NULL is loaded into the caller’s message pointer msgptr
to avoid unintentional message access by the caller after transmitting.
The receiving process will be swapped-in if it has a higher priority than the sending process.
If the addressee of the message resides not in the caller’s module and this module is not registered as a friend module then the message will be copied before the transmit call will be executed. Messages which are transmitted across modules boundaries are always copied except if the modules are friends. To copy such a message the kernel will allocate a buffer from the default pool of the addressee big enough to fit the message and copy the whole message. Message buffer copying depends on the friendship settings of the module where the buffer was originally allocated.
If the receiving process is not within the same target (CPU) as the caller the message will be sent to the connector process where the (distributed) receiving process is registered.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.55.2. Syntax
void sc_msgTx(sc_msgptr_t msgptr, sc_pid_t addr, sc_flags_t flags );
3.55.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
addr |
The process ID of the addressee. |
<pid> |
Valid SCIOPTA Process ID. |
The caller himself. |
flags |
Transmitt flags. |
More than one value can be defined and must be separated by OR instructions. |
Normal sending. |
Return message if addressee does not exist or if there is no memory to copy it into the addressee module. |
3.55.4. Return Value
3.55.5. Example
/* Send TEST_MSG to "addr" */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t addr;
/* ... */
msg = sc_msgAlloc( sizeof(test_msg_t),TEST_MSG, SC_DEFAULT_POOL, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO );
sc_msgTx( &msg, sndr, 0 );
3.55.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Pointer to message pointer. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
Message endmark is corrupt. |
Pointer to message. |
Endmark of previous message is corrupt. |
Pointer to previous message. |
Process type not valid. |
pid of addressee. |
Process type. |
Flag is neither 0 nor SC_MSGTX_RTN2SND. |
Flag value. |
2 (position). |
Caller tries to send a timeout message but message is already a timeout message. |
Pointer to message header. |
Module in message header has an illegal value. |
Pointer to message header. |
Pool index in message header has an illegal value. |
Pointer to message header. |
Either pool ID or buffersize index are corrupted. |
Pointer to message header. |
The pointer is outside the pool. Possible pool id corruption. |
Pointer to message header. |
3.56. sc_msgTxAlias
3.56.1. Description
Transmit a SCIOPTA message to a process by setting a process ID as sender.
The usual sc_msgTx system call sets always the calling process as sender. If you need to set another process ID as sender you can use this sc_msgTxAlias
This call is used in communication software such as SCIOPTA connector processes where processes on other CPU’s are addressed. CONNECTOR processes will use this system call to enter the original sender of the other CPU.
Otherwise sc_msgTxAlias
works the same way as sc_msgTx.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.56.2. Syntax
void sc_msgTxAlias(sc_msgptr_t msgptr, sc_pid_t addr, sc_flags_t flags, sc_pid_t alias );
3.56.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to message pointer. |
addr |
The process ID of the addressee. |
<pid> |
Valid SCIOPTA Process ID. |
The caller himself. |
flags |
Transmitt flags. |
More than one value can be defined and must be separated by OR instructions. |
Normal sending. |
Return message if addressee does not exist or if there is no memory to copy it into the addressee module. |
3.56.4. Return Value
3.56.5. Example
/* Send TEST_MSG to process "addr" as process "other" */
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t addr;
sc_pid_t other;
/* ... */
msg = sc_msgAlloc( sizeof(test_msg_t),TEST_MSG, SC_DEFAULT_POOL, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO );
sc_msgTxAlias( &msg, sndr, 0, other );
3.56.6. Errors
Same errors as in previous chapter sc_msgTx.
3.57. sc_poolCBChk
3.57.1. Description
Do diagnostic test for all elements of the pool control block of specific message pool.
Kernels: V2INT
3.57.2. Syntax
int sc_poolCBChk(sc_modulid_t mid, sc_plid_t idx, uint32_t *addr, unsigned int *size );
3.57.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID or SC_CURRENT_MID when module is current. |
idx |
Pool index. |
addr |
Pointer to the address of corrupted data. |
Will be stored if pool cb is corrupted. |
size |
Pointer to the size of corrupted data. |
Will be stored if pool cb is corrupted. |
3.57.4. Return Value
== 0 |
mid or idx is wrong. |
== 1 |
Pool control block is correct and therefore not corrupted. |
== -1 |
Pool control block is corrupted. |
3.57.5. Example
mid = sc_moduleIdGet("ips");
if ( sc_poolCBChk(mid, 0, NULL, NULL) != 1 ){
kprintf(0,"IPS Pool 0 corrupt!\n");
3.57.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter mid not valid (>= SC_MAX_MODULE). |
mid. |
Pool index too large. |
Pool Index. |
3.58. sc_poolCreate
3.58.1. Description
Create a new message pool inside the callers module.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.58.2. Syntax
sc_poolid_t sc_poolCreate(
char *start,
sc_plsize_t size,
unsigned int nbufs,
sc_bufsize_t *bufsize,
const char *name
3.58.3. Parameter
start |
Start address of the pool. |
<start> |
Start address. |
0 |
The kernel will automatically take the next free address in the module. |
size |
Size of the message pool. |
The minimum size must be the size of the maximum number of messages which ever are allocated at the same time plus the pool control block (pool_cb). The size of the pool control block (pool_cb) can be calculated according to the following formula |
pool_cb = 68 + n * 20 + stat * n * 20 |
n |
Maximum buffer sizes defined for the whole system (and not the buffer sizes of the created pool). Value n can be 4, 8 or 16.. |
stat |
Process statistics or message statistics are used (1) or not used (0). |
nbufs |
The number of fixed buffer sizes. |
This can be 4, 8 or 16. It must always be lower or equal of the fixed buffer sizes which is defined for the whole system. |
bufsizes |
Pointer to an array of the fixed buffer sizes in ascending order. |
name |
Pointer to the name of the pool to create. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated by 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
NOTE: *<start>* may lay outside of the module boundaries.
3.58.4. Return Value
Pool ID of the created message pool.
3.58.5. Example
static const sc_bufsize_t bufsizes[8]=
myPool_plid = sc_poolCreate(
/* start-address */ 0,
/* total size */ 4000,
/* number of buffers */ 8,
/* buffersizes */ bufsizes,
/* name */ "myPool"
3.58.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal module. module >= SC_MAX_MODULE. module == SC_NIL. |
Module ID. |
Illegal buffer sizes. |
Requested buffer sizes. |
Illegal pool name requested. |
Requested pool name. |
Maximum number of pools for module reached. |
Number of pools in module cb. |
Illegal number of buffer sizes. |
s. |
No more memory in module for pool. |
Requested pool size. |
Size is not 4-byte aligned. Even the biggest buffer does not fit. |
Requested pool size. |
Pool start address is not 4-byte aligned. |
Requested pool start address. |
3.59. sc_poolDefault
3.59.1. Description
Sets a message pool as default pool.
The default pool will be used by the sc_msgAlloc system call if the parameter for the pool to allocate the message from is defined as SC_DEFAULT_POOL.
Each process can set its default message pool by sc_poolDefault
. The defined default message pool is stored inside the process control block. The initial default message pool at process creation is 0.
The default pool is also used if a message sent from another module needs to be copied.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.59.2. Syntax
sc_poolid_t sc_poolDefault(int idx );
3.59.3. Parameter
idx |
Pool ID. |
Zero or positive |
Pool ID. |
-1 |
Request to return the ID of the default pool. |
3.59.4. Return Value
Pool ID of the default pool.
3.59.5. Example
pl = sc_poolIdGet( "fs_pool" );
if ( pl != SC_ILLEGAL_POOLID ){
sc_poolDefault( pl );
3.59.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Pool index not valid. |
Requested pool index. |
3.60. sc_poolHookRegister
3.60.1. Description
Register a pool create or pool kill hook.
V1 only: There can be one pool create and one pool kill hook per module. If sc_poolHookRegister
is called from within a module a module pool hook will be registered.
A global pool hook will be registered when sc_poolHookRegister
is called from the start hook function which is called before SCIOPTA is initialized.
Each time a pool is created or killed (depending on the setting of parameter type) the pool hook of the caller will be called if such a hook exists.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.60.2. Syntax
sc_poolHook_t *sc_poolHookRegister(int type, sc_poolHook_t *newhook );
3.60.3. Parameter
type |
Defines the type of registered pool hook. |
Registers a pool create hook. Every time a pool is created, this hook will be called. |
Registers a pool kill hook. Every time a pool is killed, this hook will be called. |
newhook |
Pool hook function pointer. |
<funcptr> |
Function pointer to the hook. |
The pool hook will be removed and unregistered. |
3.60.4. Return Value
Function pointer to the previous pool hook |
Pool hook was registered. |
No pool hook was registered. |
3.60.5. Example
sc_poolHook_t oldPoolHook;
oldPoolHook = sc_poolHookRegister( SC_SET_POOLCREATE_HOOK,plHook );
3.60.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Pool hook type not defined. |
Pool hook type. |
0. |
Pool hook function pointer not valid. |
Pool hook type. |
1. |
3.61. sc_poolIdGet
3.61.1. Description
Get the ID of a message pool by its name.
In contrast to the call sc_poolIdGet
, you can just give the name as parameter and not a path.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.61.2. Syntax
sc_poolid_t sc_poolIdGet( const char *name );
3.61.3. Parameter
name |
Pointer to the 0 terminated name string. |
Default pool. |
Default pool. |
Empty string |
Default pool. |
3.61.4. Return Value
Pool ID |
Pool was found. |
Pool was not found. |
3.61.5. Example
sc_poolid_t pl;
pl = sc_poolIdGet( "fs_pool" );
3.61.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pool name. |
pointer to pool name. |
3.62. sc_poolInfo
3.62.1. Description
Get a snap-shot of a pool control block.
SCIOPTA maintains a pool control block per pool which contains information about the pool. System level debugger or run-time debug code can use this system call to get a copy of the control block.
The caller supplies a pool control block structure in a local variable. The kernel will fill the structure with the control block data.
The structure of the pool control block is defined in the pool.h include file.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.62.2. Syntax
int sc_poolInfo(sc_moduleid_t mid, sc_poolid_t plid, sc_pool_cb_t *info );
3.62.3. Parameter
mid |
Module ID where the pool resides of which the control block will be returned. |
plid |
ID of the pool of which the pool control block data will be returned. |
info |
Pointer to a local structure of a pool control block. See |
This structure will be filled with the pool control block data. It is included in the header file pool.h |
3.62.4. Return Value
!=0 |
Pool control block data was successfully retrieved. |
==0 |
Pool control block could not be retrieved. |
3.62.5. Pool Control Block Structure
The pool info is a structure containing a snap-shot of the pool control block.
It is included in the header file pool.h.
struct sc_pool_cb_s{
sc_save_poolid_t poolid;
sc_save_voidptr_t start;
sc_save_voidptr_t end;
sc_save_voidptr_t cur;
sc_save_uint_t lock;
sc_save_uint_t nbufsizes;
sc_save_plsize_t size;
sc_save_pid_t creator;
sc_save_bufsize_t bufsizes[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES];
idbl_t waiter[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES];
char name[SC_POOL_NAME_SIZE+1];
#if SC_MSG_STAT == 1
sc_pool_stat_t stat;
} sc_pool_cb_t; Structure Members
poolid |
Pool ID. |
start |
Start of pool-data area. |
end |
End of pool (first byte not in pool). |
cur |
First free byte inside pool. |
lock |
Lock setting. Not locked if 0. |
Not locked if 0. |
nbufsizes |
Number of buffer sizes. |
size |
Complete pool size. |
creator |
Process which created the pool. |
bufsizes |
Array of buffers. |
freed |
List of freed buffers. |
waiter |
List of processes waiting for a buffer. |
name |
Pointer to pool name. |
stat |
Statistics information. See chapter Pool Statistics Info Structure |
3.62.6. Pool Statistics Info Structure
The pool statistics info is a structure inside the pool control block containing containing pool statistics information.
It is included in the header file pool.h.
struct sc_pool_stat_s{
uint32_t cnt_req[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES]; /* No. requests for a spec. size */
uint32_t cnt_alloc[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES]; /* No. allocation of a spec. size */
uint32_t cnt_free[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES]; /* No. releases of a spec. size */
uint32_t cnt_wait[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES]; /* No. unfullfilled allocations */
sc_bufsize_t maxalloc[SC_MAX_NUM_BUFFERSIZES]; /* largest wanted size */
} sc_pool_stat_t; Structure Members
cnt_req |
Number of buffer requests for a specific size. |
cnt_alloc |
Number of buffer allocations of a specific size. |
cnt_free |
Number of buffer releases of a specific size. |
cnt_wait |
Number of unfullfilled buffer allocations of specific size. |
maxalloc |
Largest wanted size. |
3.62.7. Example
sc_moduleid_t modid;
sc_poolid_t pl;
sc_pool_cb_t pool_info;
int check;
modid = sc_moduleIdGet("my_module")
pl = sc_poolIdGet("my_pool");
check = sc_poolInfo( modid, pl, &pool_info );
3.62.8. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pointer to info structure. |
0. |
Illegal pool ID. |
pool ID. |
Illegal module. |
module ID. |
3.63. sc_poolKill
3.63.1. Description
Kill a message pool.
A message pool can only be killed if all messages in the pool are freed (returned).
The killed pool memory can be reused later by a new pool if the size of the new pool is not exceeding the size of the killed pool.
Every process inside a module can kill a pool.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.63.2. Syntax
void sc_poolKill( sc_poolid_t plid );
3.63.3. Parameter
plid |
ID of the pool to be killed. |
3.63.4. Return Value
3.63.5. Example
sc_poolid_t pl;
pl = sc_poolIdGet( "my_pool" );
sc_poolKill( pl );
3.63.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Pool is in use and cannot be killed. |
pool cb. |
pool lock counter. |
Illegal pool ID. |
pool ID. |
Illegal module. |
module ID. |
3.64. sc_poolReset
3.64.1. Description
Reset a message pool to its original state.
All messages in the pool must be freed and returned before a sc_poolReset
call can be used.
The structure of the pool will be re-initialized. The message buffers in free-lists will be transformed back into unused memory. This 'fresh' memory can now be used by sc_msgAlloc to allocate new messages.
Each process in a module can reset a pool.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.64.2. Syntax
void sc_poolReset( sc_poolid_t plid );
3.64.3. Parameter
plid |
ID of the pool to reset. |
3.64.4. Return Value
3.64.5. Example
sc_poolid_t pl;
pl = sc_poolIdGet( "my_pool" );
sc_poolReset ( pl );
3.64.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Pool is in use and no reset can be performed. |
pool cb. |
pool lock counter. |
Illegal pool ID. |
pool ID. |
3.65. sc_sysPoolCreate
3.65.1. Description
Create a new message pool inside a module.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.65.2. Syntax
sc_poolid_t sc_sysPoolCreate(
char *start,
sc_plsize_t size,
unsigned int nbufs,
sc_bufsize_t *bufsize,
const char *name,
sc_moduleid_t mid
3.65.3. Parameter
start |
Start address of the pool. |
<start> |
Start address. |
0 |
The kernel will automatically take the next free address in the module. |
size |
Size of the message pool. |
The minimum size must be the size of the maximum number of messages which ever are allocated at the same time plus the pool control block (pool_cb). The size of the pool control block (pool_cb) can be calculated according to the following formula |
pool_cb = 68 + n * 20 + stat * n * 20 |
n |
Maximum buffer sizes defined for the whole system (and not the buffer sizes of the created pool). Value n can be 4, 8 or 16.. |
stat |
Process statistics or message statistics are used (1) or not used (0). |
nbufs |
The number of fixed buffer sizes. |
This can be 4, 8 or 16. It must always be lower or equal of the fixed buffer sizes which is defined for the whole system. |
bufsizes |
Pointer to an array of the fixed buffer sizes in ascending order. |
name |
Pointer to the name of the pool to create. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated by 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
mid |
Module ID of the module to which this pool shall be added. |
NOTE: *<start>* may lay outside of the module boundaries.
3.65.4. Return Value
Pool ID of the created message pool.
3.65.5. Errors
See sc_poolCreate.
3.66. sc_procAtExit
3.66.1. Description
Register a function to be called if a prioritized process is killed.
This allows to do some cleaning work if a process is killed. The sc_procAtExit system call is also used to register an error process from a module’s init process.
The function runs in the context of the caller but has no access to variables on the stack (stack is rewound)!
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.66.2. Syntax
sc_atExitFunc_t sc_procAtExit( void (*func)(void) );
3.66.3. Parameter
func |
Function to be called. |
<funcptr> |
Pointer to the function to be called. |
Remove previous registered function. |
No function to register. |
3.66.4. Return Value
Pointer to the old function |
none was registerred. |
none was registerred. |
3.66.5. Example
void errorProcess(sc_errcode_t err,const sc_errMsg_t *errMsg);
void HelloSciopta( void )
sc_procAtExit( (sc_atExitFunc_t *)errorProcess );
3.66.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal function pointer. |
Function pointer. |
Wrong process type. Can only be called within a prioritized process. |
Process type. |
3.67. sc_procAttrGet
3.67.1. Description
Get specific attributes for a process.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.67.2. Syntax
int sc_procAttrGet(sc_pid_t pid, sc_procAttr_t attribute, void *value );
3.67.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to get the attribute. |
Current running (caller) process. |
attribute |
Process attribute. See also |
Just checks if the process exists. |
Stack usage in percent. |
Number of messages allocated. |
Number messages in the queue. |
Number of observations. |
Process type. It is a bitfield of: |
pritority process |
pritority process |
interrupt process |
timer process |
idle process |
Unknown process type (likely error) |
Process is in a safety module |
Process is in a secure module |
Process runs in user mode |
Process is created statically |
Process type (old, deprecated). |
Process state. It is a bit field which is zero or a combination of the following values: |
Process waits on message receive. |
Process waits on trigger. |
Process waits for message to be allocated. |
Process waits with timeout. |
process is ready. |
Process is a connector if value is TRUE. |
Stopcounter. Process is stopped if value is > 0. |
Process name. |
Total memory allocated by this process. |
Checks the stack endmarks and returns 1 if ok. |
Only Aurix: Returns the CSA usage in percent. |
value |
Pointer where to store the attribute. |
Could be NULL for SC_PROCATTR_NOP. |
Should point to a 32bit variable or in case of SC_PROCATTR_NAME to an array of at least |
3.67.4. Return Value
== 0 |
Process is not found. |
== 1 |
Value was successfully written. |
3.67.5. Example
uint32_t msg_number
if (sc_procAttrGet( SC_CURRENT_PID,SC_PROCATTR_NQUEUE, &msg_number)) {
// msg_number valid
} else {
// msg_number not valid
3.67.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal process attribute. |
Process attribute. |
1. |
Pointer to value not valid (NULL). |
3.68. sc_procCBChk
3.68.1. Description
Do diagnostic test for all elements of the process control block of specific process.
Kernels: V2INT
3.68.2. Syntax
int sc_procCBChk(sc_pid_t pid, uint32_t *addr, unsigned int *size );
3.68.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to get the pcb. |
Current running (caller) process. |
addr |
If not NULL, returns the address of the corrupted data. |
size |
If not NULL, returns the size of the corrupted data. |
3.68.4. Return Value
== 0 |
Pid is wrong. |
== 1 |
Process control block is correct and therefore not corrupted. |
== -1 |
Process control block is corrupted. |
3.68.5. Example
if ( sc_procCBChk(SC_CURRENT_PID, NULL, NULL) != 1 ){
kprintf(0,"PCB corrupted\n");
3.68.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter pid not valid (== SC_ILLEGAL_PID). |
pid. |
3.69. sc_procCreate2
3.69.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to create a process. The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
The process will be created within the callers module.
The maximum number of processes for a specific module is defined at module creation.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.69.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procCreate2(const sc_pdb_t *pdb, int state, sc_poolid_t plid );
3.69.3. Parameter
pdb |
Pointer to the process descriptor block (pdb) which defines the process to create. |
state |
Process state after creation. |
The process will be on READY state. It is ready to run and will be swapped-in if it has the highest priority of all READY processes. |
The process is stopped. Use the sc_procStart system call to start the process. |
plid |
Pool ID. |
Pool ID from where the message buffer (which holds the stack and the pcb) will be allocated. |
3.69.4. Return Value
ID of the created process.
3.69.5. Process Descriptor Block pdb
The process descriptor block is a structure which is defining a process to be created.
It is included in the header file pcb.h.
It is devided into a common part valid for all process types and a process type specific part.
For all CPUs except Aurix:
#define PDB_COMMON(para) \
uint32_t type; \
const char *name; \
void (* entry)(para); \
sc_bufsize_t stacksize; \
sc_pcb_t * pcb; \
char *stack; \
uint8_t super; \
uint8_t fpu; \
uint16_t spare_h
For Aurix
#define PDB_COMMON(para) \
uint32_t type; \
const char *name; \
void (* entry)(para); \
sc_bufsize_t stacksize; \
sc_pcb_t * pcb; \
char *stack; \
uint8_t super; \
uint8_t fpu; \
uint8_t spare_b \
uint8_t nCSA \
uint8_t *csabtm
typedef struct sc_pdbcmn_s {
} sc_pdbcommon_t;
typedef struct sc_pdbtim_s {
sc_ticks_t period;
sc_ticks_t initial_delay;
} sc_pdbtim_t;
typedef struct sc_pdbint_s {
unsigned int ivector;
} sc_pdbint_t;
typedef struct sc_pdbprio_s {
sc_ticks_t slice;
unsigned int prio;
} sc_pdbprio_t;
typedef union sc_pdb_u {
sc_pdbcommon_t cmn;
sc_pdbprio_t prio;
sc_pdbint_t irq;
sc_pdbtim_t tim;
} sc_pdb_t;
3.69.6. Structure Members Common for all Process Types
type |
Process type. |
Prioritized process. |
Timer process. |
Interrupt process. |
name |
Pointer to process name. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
entry |
Pointer to process function. |
This is the address where the created process will start execution. Processor typic alignment restriction apply. |
stacksize |
Process stack size. |
The kernel will use one of the fixed message buffer sizes from the message pool which is big enough to include the stack. |
pcb |
PCB pointer. |
<pcb_ptr> |
Pointer to a PCB. |
== 0 |
PCB will be allocated by the kernel. |
stack |
Stack address. |
<stack_addr> |
Pointer to a stack. Shall be taken from a pool or static memory within the module. |
== 0 |
Stack will be allocated by the kernel. |
super |
Mode. |
Supervisor mode. |
User mode. |
fpu |
Floating point unit. |
Process does use FPU. |
Process does not use FPU. |
spare_h |
Not used, write 0 . |
spare_b |
Not used, write 0 . |
nCSA |
Number of CSAs (for Aurix only, else write 0). |
csabtm |
Start of the CSA memory (for Aurix only). |
Must be in DSPR and aligned on 64 bytes. |
3.69.7. Additional Structure Members for Prioritized Processes
slice |
Time slice of the prioritized process in ticks. |
prio |
Process priority. |
The priority of the process which can be from 0 to 31. 0 is the highest priority. |
3.69.8. Additional Structure Members for Interrupt Processes
ivector |
Interrupt vector. |
Interrupt vector connected to the created interrupt process. This is CPU-dependent. |
3.69.9. Additional Structure Members for Timer Processes
period |
Period of time between calls to the timer process in ticks. |
initdelay |
Initial delay in ticks before the timer process is called regularly the first time ( |
3.69.10. Example
static const sc_pdbprio_t pdb = {
/* process-type */ PCB_TYPE_PRI,
/* process-name */ "proc_A",
/* function-name */ proc_A,
/* stacksize */ 1024,
/* pcb */ 0,
/* stack */ 0,
/* supervisor-flag */ SC_KRN_FLAG_TRUE,
/* spare */ 0,
/* timeslice */ 0,
/* priority */ 16
proc_A_pid = sc_procCreate2( (const sc_pdb_t *)&pdb, SC_PDB_STATE_RUN, 0x0) ;
3.69.11. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter pdb not valid (0 or SC_NIL). |
mcb - > freesize < = SIZEOF_PCB. |
mcb→freesize. |
mcb - > freesize < = stacksize element of pdb. |
stacksize element of pdb. |
mcb→freesize. |
Parameter vector (interrupt process) of pdb not valid (>SC_MAX_INT_VECTOR). |
parameter: vector. |
pdb. |
9. |
Parameter slice (prioritized process) of pdb not valid. |
parameter: slice. |
Parameter period (timer process) of pdb not valid. |
parameter: period (timer process). |
pdb. |
9. |
Parameter initial_dealy (timer process) of pdb not valid. |
parameter: initial_delay. |
pdb. |
10. |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Parameter type of pdb not valid. |
parameter: type. |
pdb. |
0. |
Number of maximum processes reached. |
No of process element of mcb. |
pdb. |
mcb. |
Parameter name of pdb not valid. |
pdb parameter: name. |
pdb. |
1. |
Module Control Block is not valid (mcb == SC_NIL or NULL). |
mid. |
0. |
1. |
Message which holds pcb or stack is not within current module. |
Pointer to pcb or stack. |
Pointer to mcb of current module. |
Pointer to mcb of pcb/stack message buffer. |
Module cb is not valid (mcb == SC_NIL). |
pdb parameter: priority. |
pdb. |
10. |
Parameter stack of pdb not valid. |
pdb parameter: stack. |
pdb. |
3. |
Parameter pdb not valid (pdb == SC_NIL or NULL). |
pdb parameter: pdb. |
0. |
0. |
Parameter state not valid. |
pdb parameter: state. |
0. |
1. |
Illegal module ID or midx >= SC_MAX_MODULES. |
mid. |
0. |
2. |
Parameter pcb of pdb not valid (== NULL). |
pdb parameter: pcb. |
0. |
4. |
Parameter stack of pdb not valid (== NULL). |
pdb parameter: stack. |
0. |
5. |
Parameter entry of pdb not valid. |
pdb parameter: entry. |
pdb. |
2. |
Parameter super not valid. |
pdb parameter: super. |
pdb. |
6. |
Parameter fpu not valid. |
pdb parameter: fpu. |
pdb. |
7. |
Parameter spare not valid (non Aurix) |
pdb parameter: spare_h |
pdb. |
8. |
Parameter spare not valid (Aurix) |
pdb parameter: spare_b |
pdb. |
8. |
Parameter nCSA not valid (Aurix) |
pdb parameter: nCSA |
pdb. |
8. |
Not enough space for pcb or stack in elected message buffer. |
Pointer to pcb or stack. |
Pointer to mcb of current module. |
Size of PCB or stacksize. |
Parameter vector (interrupt process) of pdb vector already defined. |
pdb parameter: vector. |
pdb. |
9. |
3.70. sc_procDaemonRegister
3.70.1. Description
Register a process daemon.
The process daemon manages process names in a SCIOPTA system. If a process calls sc_procIdGet the kernel will send a sc_procIdGet message to the process daemon. The process daemon will search the process name list and return the corresponding process ID to the kernel if found.
There can only be one process daemon per SCIOPTA system.
The standard process daemon sc_procd
is included in the SCIOPTA kernel. This process daemon needs to be defined and started at system configuration as a static process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.70.2. Syntax
int sc_procDaemonRegister(void);
3.70.3. Parameter
3.70.4. Return Value
== 0 |
Process daemon could not be registered. |
!= 0 |
Process daemon was successfully registered. |
3.70.5. Example
if ( sc_procDaemonRegister() == 0 ){
kprintf(0,"Another procd running\n");
3.70.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Calling process is not a prioritized process. |
Calling process is not in system module. |
3.71. sc_procDaemonUnregister
3.71.1. Description
Unregister the current process as process-daemon.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.71.2. Syntax
int sc_procDaemonUnregister(void);
3.71.3. Parameter
3.71.4. Return Value
== 0 |
Process daemon was not a process daemon. |
!= 1 |
Process daemon was successfully unregistered. |
3.71.5. Example
3.71.6. Errors
3.72. sc_procFlowSignatureGet
3.72.1. Description
Get the caller’s process program flow signature.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.72.2. Syntax
uint16_t sc_procFlowSignatureGet(void);
3.72.3. Parameter
3.72.4. Return Value
Signature value.
3.72.5. Example
uint16_t sig2;
sig2 = sc_procFlowSignatureGet();
3.72.6. Errors
3.73. sc_procFlowSignatureInit
3.73.1. Description
Initialize the caller’s process program flow signature.
The process flow signature calculates a 16 bit CRC over given tokens. It uses the same polynomial as sc_miscCrc / sc_miscCrcContd.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.73.2. Syntax
void sc_procFlowSignatureInit(
uint16_t signature
3.73.3. Parameter
signature |
Signature value. |
Initial value to be stored in the process control block of the callers process. |
3.73.4. Return Value
3.73.5. Example
uint16_t sig;
sig = sc_procFlowSignatureUpdate(0x56789ABC);
3.73.6. Errors
3.74. sc_procFlowSignatureUpdate
3.74.1. Description
Update the caller’s program flow signature with the token given as parameter.
The result is returned.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.74.2. Syntax
uint16_t sc_procFlowSignatureUpdate(
uint32_t token
3.74.3. Parameter
token |
Token value. |
Token value to calculate new CRC16. |
3.74.4. Return Value
Signature value.
3.74.5. Example
uint16_t sig;
sig = sc_procFlowSignatureUpdate(0x56789ABC);
3.74.6. Errors
3.75. sc_procHookRegister
3.75.1. Description
Register a process hook of the type defined in parameter type. The type can be a create hook, kill hook or swap hook.
Each time a process will be created the create hook will be called if there is one installed.
Each time a process will be killed the kill hook will be called if there is one installed.
Each time a process swap is initiated by the kernel the swap hook will be called if there is one installed.
V2 Only: If enabled, the swap hook is also called when an interrupt is activated by hardware event.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.75.2. Syntax
sc_procHook_t *sc_procHookRegister(
int type,
sc_procHook_t *newhook
3.75.3. Parameter
type |
Type of process hook. |
Registers a process create hook. Every time a process is created, this hook will be called. |
Registers a process kill hook. Every time a process is killed, this hook will be called. |
Registers a process swap hook. Every time a process swap is initiated by the kernel, this hook will be called. |
newhook |
Process hook function pointer. |
<funcptr> |
Function pointer to the process hook. |
Removes and unregisters the process hook. |
3.75.4. Return Value
Function pointer to the previous process hook |
Process hook was registered. |
No process hook was registered. |
3.75.5. Example
druidHook = sc_procHookRegister(SC_SET_PROCSWAP_HOOK, swapHook);
3.75.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal process hook type. |
type. |
3.76. sc_procIdGet
3.76.1. Description
Get the process ID of a process by providing the name of the process.
In SCIOPTA processes are organized in systems (CPUs) and modules within systems. There is always at least one module called system module (module 0). Depending where the process resides (system, module) not only the process name needs to be supplied but also the including system and module name.
This call forwards the request to the process daemon. The standard process daemon (sc_procd
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration. In case of an external process, the request is forwarded to the respective Connector process.
Kernels: V1, V2,V2INT and SCSIM
*Note:* SCAPI does not provide modules. Therefore paths shall not contain a module name. The call is replied directly by the SCAPI library. There is no process daemon.
Kernel: SCAPI
3.76.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procIdGet(const char *path, sc_ticks_t tmo );
3.76.3. Parameter
path |
Pointer to the path with the name of the process. |
path::=process_name |
Process resides within the caller’s module. |
path::='/'process_name |
Process resides in the system module of the caller’s target. |
path::='//'<system_name>'/'process_name |
Process resides in the system module of an external target. |
path::='/'<module_name>'/'process_name |
Process resides in another than the system module of the caller’s target. |
path::='//'<system_name>'/'<module_name>'/'process_name |
Process resides in another than the system module of an external target. |
tmo |
Time to wait for a response in ticks. |
This parameter is not allowed if asynchronous timeout is disabled at system configuration (SCONF). |
No timeout, returns immediately. |
0 < tmo < SC_TMO_MAX |
Timeout value in system ticks. |
Waits for ever. |
3.76.4. Return Value
Process ID of the found process |
Process was found within the tmo time period or empty. |
Current process ID (process ID of the caller) |
Parameter path is NULL. |
Process was not found within the tmo time period. |
3.76.5. sc_procIdGet in Interrupt Processes
The sc_procIdGet system call can also be used in an interrupt process. The process daemon sends a reply message to the interrupt process (interrupt process src parameter == SC_PROC_WAKEUP_MESSAGE).
The reply message is defined as follows:
typedef struct sc_procIdGetMsgReply_s{
sc_msgid_t id;
sc_pid_t pid;
sc_errorcode_t error;
int more;
3.76.6. Example
sc_pid_t slave_pid;
slave_pid = sc_procIdGet( "slave", SC_NO_TMO );
3.76.7. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal path. |
pointer to path. |
Process is PCB_TYPE_IDL. |
process type. |
3.77. sc_procIntCreate
3.77.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to create an interrupt process. The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration. The interrupt process will be of type Sciopta. Interrupt processes of type Sciopta are handled by the kernel and may use (not blocking) system calls.
The process will be created within the callers module.
The maximum number of processes for a specific module is defined at module creation.
Kernels: V1
3.77.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procIntCreate(
const char *name,
void (*entry) (int),
sc_bufsize_t stacksize,
int vector,
sc_prio_t prio,
int state,
sc_poolid_t plid
3.77.3. Parameter
name |
Pointer to process name. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
entry |
Pointer to process function. |
This is the address where the created process will start execution. |
stacksize |
Process stack size. |
The kernel will use one of the fixed message buffer sizes from the message pool which is big enough to include the stack. Add 128 bytes for the process control block (pcb) and 32 bytes for the process name to your process stack to calculate the minimum stacksize (160 bytes). |
vector |
Interrupt Vector. |
Interrupt vector connected to the created interrupt process. This is CPU-dependent. |
prio |
N/A. |
Must be set to 0 (reserved for later use). |
state |
N/A. |
Must be set to 0 (reserved for later use). |
plid |
Pool ID. |
Pool ID from where the message buffer (which holds the stack and the pcb) will be allocated. |
3.77.4. Return Value
ID of the created process.
3.77.5. Example
hello_pid = sc_procIntCreate(
/* process name */ "SCI_tick",
/* process func */ (void (*) (void))SCI_tick,
/* stacksize */ 256,
/* vector */ 25,
/* priority */ 0,
/* state */ 0,
/* pool-id */ SC_DEFAULT_POOL
3.77.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Parameter name not valid. |
Pointer to process name. |
Illegal process type. |
Process type. |
Illegal interrupt vector. |
Interrupt vector. |
3.78. sc_procIrqRegister
3.78.1. Description
Register an existing interrupt process for one more other interrupt vectors.
Called from an interrupt process, registers the caller to be activated also if interrupt vector fires.
Intention of this system call is to allow handling of interrupts in the non-safe part of an application. To do so, a (safe) interrupt process may register for multiple interrupts and notify a (non-safe) priority process.
To minimize the overhead, the sc_msgAllocTx() system call can be used, which can carry enough information to handle the interrupt. Since allocation is done in the receivers pool, no copying is needed if the message is sent across module boundaries.
It is a fatal error, if vector is already used.
It is a fatal error if vector is the one to which the process was bound when created.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.78.2. Syntax
void sc_procIrqRegister(uint32_t vector );
3.78.3. Parameter
vector |
Interrupt Vector. |
Must be in the range 0..SC_MAX_INT_VECTOR. |
3.78.4. Return Value
3.78.5. Example
if ( src == SC_PROC_WAKEUP_CREATE ){
sc_procIrqRegister( CAN_MBX1_IRQ_VECTOR );
sc_procIrqRegister( CAN_MBX2_IRQ_VECTOR );
3.78.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Not an interrupt process. |
Process ID. |
Illegal interrupt vector. |
Interrupt vector. |
3.79. sc_procIrqUnregister
3.79.1. Description
Unregister previously registered interrupts.
Called from an interrupt process, removes it from being activated thru interrupt "vector".
It is a fatal error, if "*vector is not registered on the caller or if <vector> is the vector the interrupt was created for.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.79.2. Syntax
void sc_procIrqUnregister( uint32_t vector );
3.79.3. Parameter
vector |
Interrupt Vector. |
Must be in the range 0..SC_MAX_INT_VECTOR. |
3.79.4. Return Value
3.79.5. Example
if ( src == SC_PROC_WAKEUP_KILL ){
sc_procIrqUnregister( CAN_MBX1_IRQ_VECTOR );
sc_procIrqUnregister( CAN_MBX2_IRQ_VECTOR );
3.79.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Not an interrupt process. |
Process ID. |
Illegal interrupt vector. |
Interrupt vector. |
3.80. sc_procKill
3.80.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to kill a process.
The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
Any process type (prioritized, interrupt, timer) can be killed. No external processes (on a remote CPU) can be killed.
If a cleaning-up is executed (depending on the flag parameter) all message buffers owned by the process will be returned to the message pool. If an observe is active on that process the observe messages will be sent to the observing processes. A significant time can elapse before a possible observe message is posted.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.80.2. Syntax
void sc_procKill(sc_pid_t pid, sc_flags_t flag );
3.80.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to be killed. |
Current running (caller) process. |
flag |
Process kill flag. |
0 |
A cleaning up will be executed. |
No cleaning up will be requested. |
3.80.4. Return Value
3.80.5. Example
3.80.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Process ID. |
pid == 0 or pid == SC_ILLEGAL_PID or mid too large or process index too large. |
pid. |
Process killed or pid not valid. |
pid. |
3.81. sc_procNameGet
3.81.1. Description
Get the full name of a process.
The name will be returned inside a SCIOPTA message which is allocated by the kernel. The kernel sets the caller as owner of the message.
The user must free the message after use.
If the process (pid) does not exist (or does not exist any more) and the pid has a valid value (between min and max) the kernel calls the error hook (if it exists) and generates a warning. After returning from the error hook the system call sc_procNameGet returns NULL. If the pid has no valid value (out of scope) the kernel calls the error hook with a fatal error. If there is no error hook, he system loops at the error label.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.81.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_procNameGet( sc_pid_t pid );
3.81.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process where the name is requested. |
Current running (caller) process. |
3.81.4. Return Value
Message owned by the caller if the process exists.
If the return value is nonzero the returned message buffer is owned by the caller and the message is of type sc_procNameGetMsgReply_t and the message ID is SC_PROCNAMEGETMSG_REPLY. The message data contains the 0 terminated ASCII name string of the process. The message is defined in the sciopta.msg include file.
typedef struct sc_procNameGetMsgReply_s {
sc_msgid_t id;
sc_errcode_t error;
char target[SC_MODULE_NAME_SIZE+1];
char module[SC_MODULE_NAME_SIZE+1];
char process[SC_PROC_NAME_SIZE+1];
} sc_procNameGetMsgReply_t;
3.81.5. Example
sc_msg_t senderName;
senderName = sc_procNameGet( sender );
3.81.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pid. |
pid. |
3.82. sc_procObserve
3.82.1. Description
Supervise a process.
The sc_procObserve system call will request the message to be sent back if the given process dies (process supervision). If the supervised process disappears from the system (process ID) the kernel will send the requested and registered message to the supervising process.
The process to supervise can be external (in another system).
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.82.2. Syntax
void sc_procObserve(sc_msgptr_t msgptr, sc_pid_t pid );
3.82.3. Parameter
msgptr |
Pointer to the observe message pointer. |
Pointer to the message which will be returned if the supervised process disappears. The message must be of the following type:
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to be supervised. |
3.82.4. Return Value
3.82.5. Example
struct dead_s {
sc_msgid_t id;
sc_errcode_t errcode;
union sc_msg{
sc_msgid_t id;
struct dead_s dead;
sc_msg_t msg;
msg = sc_msgAlloc( sizeof(struct dead_s), 0xdead, 0, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO );
sc_procObserve( &msg, slave_pid );
3.82.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Illegal pid. |
3.83. sc_procPathCheck
3.83.1. Description
Check if the construction of a path is correct. It checks the lengths of the system, module and process names and the number of slashes and if it contains only valid character (A-Z,a-z,0-9 and underscore).
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.83.2. Syntax
sc_errcode_t sc_procPathCheck( const char *path );
3.83.3. Parameter
path |
Pointer to the path with the name of the process. |
path::=process_name |
Process resides within the caller’s module. |
path::='/'process_name |
Process resides in the system module of the caller’s target. |
path::='//'<system_name>'/'process_name |
Process resides in the system module of an external target. |
path::='/'<module_name>'/'process_name |
Process resides in another than the system module of the caller’s target. |
path::='//'<system_name>'/'<module_name>'/'process_name |
Process resides in another than the system module of an external target. |
3.83.4. Return Value
!=0 |
Path is correct. |
==0 |
Path is wrong. |
3.83.5. Example
if ( !sc_procPathCheck("//target0//target1/module/slave") ){
3.83.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal path (pointer to path == 0). |
pointer to path name. |
3.84. sc_procPathGet
3.84.1. Description
Get the full path of a process.
The path will be returned inside a SCIOPTA message buffer which is allocated by the kernel. The kernel sets the caller as owner of the message.
The user must free the message after use.
If the process (pid) does not exist (or does not exist any more) and the pid has a valid value (between min and max) the kernel calls the error hook (if it exists) and generates a warning. After returning from the error hook the system call sc_procPathGet returns NULL. If the pid has no valid value (out of scope) the kernel calls the error hook with a fatal error. If there is no error hook, he system loops at the error label.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.84.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_procPathGet( sc_pid_t pid, sc_flags_t flags );
3.84.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process where the path is requested. |
flags |
sc_procPathGet flags. |
!=0 |
The full path is returned: |
==0 |
The short path is returned: |
3.84.4. Return Value
Message owned by the caller if the process exists.
If the return value is nonzero the returned message buffer is owned by the caller and the message is of type sc_procPathGetMsgReply_t
. The message data contains the 0 terminated ASCII name string of the process. The message is defined in the sciopta.msg include file.
typedef struct sc_procPathGetMsgReply_s {
sc_msgid_t id;
sc_pid_t pid;
sc_errcode_t error;
char path[1];
} sc_procPathGetMsgReply_t;
3.84.5. Example
sc_msg_t msg;
msg = sc_procPathGet( SC_CURRENT_PID, 1 );
if ( strstr(msg->path.path,"node1") ){
remote = "//node2/node2/echo";
} else {
remote = "//node1/node1/echo";
3.84.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pid. |
pid. |
3.85. sc_procPpidGet
3.85.1. Description
Get the process ID of the parent (creator) of a process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.85.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procPpidGet( sc_pid_t pid );
3.85.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process where its parent is requested. |
Current running (caller) process. |
3.85.4. Return Value
Process ID of the parent process |
Parent process exists. |
Process ID of the parent process of the caller |
If parameter pid was SC_CURRENT_PID. |
Parent process does no longer exist. |
3.85.5. Example
typedef struct key_s {
uint8_t scan;
uint8_t cntrl;
} sckey_t;
#define KEYB_MSG 0x30000001
typedef struct keyb_msg_s{
sc_msgid_t id;
sckey_t data;
} keyb_msg_t;
sc_msg_t msg;
sc_pid_t ttyd_pid = sc_procPpidGet( SC_CURRENT_PID );
msg = sc_msgAlloc( sizeof(keyb_msg_t), KEYB_MSG, 0, SC_ENDLESS_TMO );
if ( msg ){
msg->keyb.data.scan = key;
msg->keyb.data.cntrl = control_keys;
3.85.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pid. |
pid. |
3.86. sc_procPrioCreate
3.86.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to create a prioritized process. The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
The process will be created within the callers module.
Only supervisor-processes will be created (and no FPU).
The maximum number of processes for a specific module is defined at module creation.
Kernels: V1
3.86.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procPrioCreate(
const char *name,
void (*entry) (void),
sc_bufsize_t stacksize,
sc_ticks_t slice,
sc_prio_t prio,
int state,
sc_poolid_t plid
3.86.3. Parameter
name |
Pointer to process name. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
entry |
Pointer to process function. |
This is the address where the created process will start execution. |
stacksize |
Process stack size. |
The kernel will use one of the fixed message buffer sizes from the message pool which is big enough to include the stack. Add 128 bytes for the process control block (pcb) and 32 bytes for the process name to your process stack to calculate the minimum stacksize (160 bytes). |
slice |
Time slice of the prioritized process. |
prio |
Process priority. |
The priority of the process which can be from 0 to 31. 0 is the highest priority. |
state |
Process state after creation. |
The process will be on READY state. It is ready to run and will be swapped-in if it has the highest priority of all READY processes. |
The process is stopped. Use the sc_procStart system call to start the process. |
plid |
Pool ID. |
Pool ID from where the message buffer (which holds the stack and the pcb) will be allocated. |
3.86.4. Return Value
ID of the created process.
3.86.5. Example
hello_pid = sc_procPrioCreate(
/* process name */ "hello",
/* process func */ (void (*) (void))hello,
/* stacksize */ 512,
/* slice */ 0,
/* priority */ 16,
/* run-state */ SC_PDB_STATE_RUN,
/* pool-id */ SC_DEFAULT_POOL
3.86.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Parameter name not valid. |
Pointer to process name. |
Illegal priority (>=31). |
Requested priority. |
Illegal process type. |
Process type. |
Illegal slice value. |
Slice. |
Stack not valid. |
Requested stacksize. |
Module cb is not valid. |
Module ID. |
Number of maximum processes reached. |
No of processes. |
Size does not fit into module memory.. |
3.87. sc_procPrioGet
3.87.1. Description
Get the priority of a prioritized process.
In SCIOPTA the priority ranges from 0 to 31. 0 is the highest and 31 the lowest priority.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.87.2. Syntax
sc_prio_t sc_procPrioGet( sc_pid_t pid );
3.87.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to get the priority. |
Current running (caller) process. |
3.87.4. Return Value
Priority of any given process |
Parameter pid was any process. |
Priority of the callers process |
Parameter pid was SC_CURRENT_PID. |
32 |
There was a warning of an invalid CONNECTOR process. |
3.87.5. Example
// Create process "proc_A" with lower priority than caller
sc_pid_t proc_A_pid;
sc_prio_t prio = sc_procPrioGet( SC_CURRENT_PID ) + 1;
static const sc_pdbprio_t pdb = {
/* process-type */ PCB_TYPE_STATIC_PRI,
/* process-name */ "proc_A",
/* function-name */ proc_A,
/* stacksize */ 1024,
/* pcb */ 0,
/* stack */ 0,
/* supervisor-flag */ SC_KRN_FLAG_TRUE,
/* spare */ 0,
/* time-slice */ 0,
/* priority */ prio
proc_A_pid = sc_ProcCreate2( (const sc_pdb_t *)&pdb, SC_PDB_STATE_RUN, 0x0);
3.87.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pid. |
pid. |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
pid. |
Process type. |
3.88. sc_procPrioSet
3.88.1. Description
Set the priority of a process.
Only the priority of the caller’s process can be set and modified.
If the new priority is lower to other ready processes the kernel will initiate a context switch and swap-in the process with the highest priority.
If there are already existing processes at the same priority, the process which has just moved to that priority will be put at the end of the list and swapped-out.
Init processes are treated specifically. An init process is the first process in a module and does always exist. An init process can set its priority on level 32. This will redefine the process and it becomes an idle process. The idle process will be called by the kernel if there are no processes ready.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.88.2. Syntax
void sc_procPrioSet( sc_prio_t prio );
3.88.3. Parameter
prio |
Process priority. |
The new priority of the caller’s process (0 .. 31). |
3.88.4. Return Value
3.88.5. Example
// Switch caller to lowest-priority
3.88.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process type. |
Illegal priority. Priority == 32. |
Process type. |
Module Priority. |
Illegal priority. Priority > 32. |
Process type. |
-1. |
3.89. sc_procSchedLock
3.89.1. Description
Lock the scheduler and return the number of times it has been locked before.
SCIOPTA maintains a scheduler lock counter. If the counter is 0 scheduling is activated. Each time a process calls sc_procSchedLock the counter will be incremented.
Interrupts are not blocked if the scheduler is locked.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.89.2. Syntax
int sc_procSchedLock(void);
3.89.3. Parameter
3.89.4. Return Value
Internal scheduler lock counter. Number of times the scheduler has been locked.
3.89.5. Example
// count instances
3.89.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process type. |
3.90. sc_procSchedUnlock
3.90.1. Description
Unlock the scheduler.
SCIOPTA maintains a scheduler lock counter. Each time a process calls sc_procSchedUnlock the counter will be decremented. If the counter reaches a value of 0 the SCIOPTA scheduler is called and activated. The ready process with the highest priority will be swapped in.
It is illegal to unlock a not locked scheduler.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.90.2. Syntax
void sc_procSchedUnlock(void);
3.90.3. Parameter
3.90.4. Return Value
3.90.5. Example
// count instances
3.90.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process type. |
Interrupts are locked. |
Lockcounter == 0. |
3.91. sc_procSliceGet
3.91.1. Description
Get the time slice of a prioritized or timer process.
The time slice is the period of time between calls to the timer process in ticks or the the slice of round-robin scheduled prioritized processes on the same priority.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.91.2. Syntax
sc_ticks_t sc_procSliceGet( sc_pid_t pid );
3.91.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to get the time slice. |
Current running (caller) process. |
3.91.4. Return Value
Period of time between calls to any given timer process in ticks.
3.91.5. Example
sc_ticks_t new_ticks;
new_ticks = sc_procSliceGet(SC_CURRENT_PID);
3.91.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
pid. |
Process type. |
Process/Module disappeared. |
pid. |
Illegal pid. |
pid. |
3.92. sc_procSliceSet
3.92.1. Description
Set the time slice of a prioritized or timer process.
The modified time slice will become active after the current time slice expired or if the timer gets started. It can only be activated after the old time slice has elapsed.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.92.2. Syntax
void sc_procSliceSet( sc_pid_t pid, sc_ticks_t slice );
3.92.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to set the time slice. |
Current running (caller) process. |
slice |
New period of time between calls to the timer process in ticks. |
!=0 |
0 is only allowed for priortized processes and disables the time-slice. |
3.92.4. Return Value
3.92.5. Example
sc_procSliceSet(SC_CURRENT_PID, 5);
3.92.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
pid. |
Process type. |
Process/Module disappeared. |
pid. |
Illegal pid. |
pid. |
3.93. sc_procStart
3.93.1. Description
Start a prioritized or timer process.
SCIOPTA maintains a start-stop counter per process. If the counter is >0 the process is stopped. Each time a process calls sc_procStart the counter will be decremented. If the counter has reached the value of 0 the process will start.
If the started process is a prioritized process and its priority is higher than the priority of the currently running process, it will be swapped in and the current process swapped out.
If the started process is a timer process, it will be entered into the timer list with its time slice.
It is illegal to start a process which was not stopped before.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.93.2. Syntax
void sc_procStart( sc_pid_t pid );
3.93.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to be started. |
3.93.4. Return Value
3.93.5. Example
3.93.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process or timer process. |
pid. |
Process type. |
Illegal pcb. |
pid. |
Process is caller. Process is init process. |
pid. |
Stop counter already 0. |
pid. |
3.94. sc_procStop
3.94.1. Description
Stop a prioritized or timer process.
SCIOPTA maintains a start/stop counter per process. If the counter is >0 the process is stopped. Each time a process calls sc_procStop the counter will be incremented.
If the stopped process is the currently running prioritized process, it will be halted and the next ready process will be swapped in.
If a timer process will be stopped, it will immediately removed from the timer list and the system will not wait until the current time slice expires.
Kernels: V2 only: An interrupt will be invoked (wakeup) with SC_PROC_WAKEUP_STOP.
Kernels: V1: It is illegal to stop an interrupt process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.94.2. Syntax
void sc_procStop( sc_pid_t pid );
3.94.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process to be stopped. |
Current running (caller) process will be stopped. |
3.94.4. Return Value
3.94.5. Example
3.94.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized or timer process. |
pid. |
Process type. |
Illegal pcb. |
pid. |
Process is caller. Process is init process. |
pid. |
Stop counter already 0. |
3.95. sc_procTimCreate
3.95.1. Description
Request the kernel daemon to create a timer process. The standard kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) needs to be defined and started at system configuration.
The process will be created within the callers module.
The maximum number of processes for a specific module is defined at module creation.
Kernels: V1
3.95.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procTimCreate(
const char *name,
void (*entry) (int),
sc_bufsize_t stacksize,
sc_ticks_t period,
sc_ticks_t initdelay,
int state,
sc_poolid_t plid
3.95.3. Parameter
name |
Pointer to process name. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
entry |
Pointer to process function. |
This is the address where the created process will start execution. |
stacksize |
Process stack size. |
The kernel will use one of the fixed message buffer sizes from the message pool which is big enough to include the stack. Add 128 bytes for the process control block (pcb) and 32 bytes for the process name to your process stack to calculate the minimum stacksize (160 bytes). |
period |
Time period. |
Period of time between calls to the timer process in ticks. |
initdelay |
Initial time delay. |
Initial delay in ticks before the first time call to the timer process. |
state |
Process state after creation. |
The process will be on READY state. It is ready to run and will be swapped-in if it has the highest priority of all READY processes. |
The process is stopped. Use the sc_procStart system call to start the process. |
plid |
Pool ID. |
Pool ID from where the message buffer (which holds the stack and the pcb) will be allocated. |
3.95.4. Return Value
ID of the created process.
3.95.5. Example
hello_pid = sc_procTimCreate(
/* process name */ "SCI_tick",
/* process func */ (void (*) (void))SCI_tick,
/* stacksize */ 256,
/* period */ 10,
/* initdelay */ 0,
/* state */ SC_PDB_STATE_RUN,
/* pool-id */ SC_DEFAULT_POOL
3.95.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
There is no kernel daemon defined in the system. |
Parameter name not valid. |
Pointer to process name. |
Illegal process type. |
Process type. |
Illegal slice valueSlice. |
Slice. |
3.96. sc_procUnobserve
3.96.1. Description
Cancel an installed supervision of a process.
The message given by the sc_procObserve system call will be freed by the kernel.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.96.2. Syntax
void sc_procUnobserve(sc_pid_t pid, sc_pid_t observer );
3.96.3. Parameter
pid |
Supervised process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the process which is supervised. |
observer |
Observer process ID. |
<pid> |
Process ID of the observer process. |
Current process is observer. |
3.96.4. Return Value
3.96.5. Example
sc_procUnobserve(slave, SC_CURRENT_PID);
3.96.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal pcb. |
pid. |
Process is caller. Process is init process. |
pid. |
3.97. sc_procVarDel
3.97.1. Description
Remove a process variable from the process variable data area.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.97.2. Syntax
int sc_procVarDel( sc_tag_t tag );
3.97.3. Parameter
tag |
Process variable tag. |
User defined tag of the process variable which was set by the sc_procVarSet call. |
3.97.4. Return Value
==0 |
System call fails and the process variable could not be removed. |
!=0 |
Process variable was successfully removed. |
3.97.5. Example
(void) sc_procVarDel(0xCAFE0001);
3.97.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
No process variable set. |
3.98. sc_procVarGet
3.98.1. Description
Read a process variable.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.98.2. Syntax
int sc_procVarGet(sc_tag_t tag, sc_var_t *value );
3.98.3. Parameter
tag |
Process variable tag. |
User defined tag of the process variable which was set by the sc_procVarSet call. |
value |
Process variable. |
Pointer to the variable where the process variable will be stored. |
3.98.4. Return Value
==0 |
System call fails and the process variable could not be found and read. |
!=0 |
Process variable was successfully read. |
3.98.5. Example
sc_var_t color;
if ( sc_procVarGet(0xC01103, &color) == 0 ){
color = 10;
3.98.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
No procVar set or value == NULL. |
3.99. sc_procVarInit
3.99.1. Description
Retup and initialize a process variable area.
Kernels: V1: The user should allocate a message that can hold (n+1) variable:
size = sizeof(sc_local_t)*(n+1);
Kernels: V2: The user should allocate a message for n variables plus controll block:
size = sizeof(sc_varpool_t)+sizeof(sc_local_t)*n;
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.99.2. Syntax
void sc_procVarInit(sc_msgptr_t varpool, unsigned int n );
3.99.3. Parameter
varpool |
Process variable buffer. |
<ptr> |
Pointer to the message buffer holding the process variables. |
Kernels V2 only: The kernel will allocate the message buffer. |
3.99.4. Return Value
3.99.5. Example
// Create var pool of 10 entries, let kernel allocate message
sc_procVarInit(NULL, 10);
3.99.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
No procVar set or value == NULL. |
Process does not own the buffer. |
owner. |
Size too small. |
size. |
Process variable already set. |
Pointer to message buffer. |
3.100. sc_procVarRm
3.100.1. Description
Remove a whole process variable area.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.100.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_procVarRm(void);
3.100.3. Parameter
3.100.4. Return Value
Pointer to the message buffer holding the process variables.
3.100.5. Example
msg = sc_procVarRm();
3.100.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
No procVar set or value == NULL. |
3.101. sc_procVarSet
3.101.1. Description
Set or modify a process variable.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.101.2. Syntax
int sc_procVarSet(sc_tag_t tag, sc_var_t value );
3.101.3. Parameter
tag |
Process variable tag. |
User defined tag of the process variable. Valid values: All except 0. |
value |
Value of the process variable. |
3.101.4. Return Value
==0 |
The process variable could not be defined or modified. |
!=0 |
The process variable was successfully defined or modified. |
3.101.5. Example
if ( sc_procVarSet(0xC01103, 12) == 0 ){
kprintf(0,"Could not set color variable\n");
3.101.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
No procVar set. |
3.102. sc_procVectorGet
3.102.1. Description
Get the interrupt vector of an interrupt process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.102.2. Syntax
int sc_procVectorGet( sc_pid_t pid );
3.102.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
Process ID of the interrupt process. |
3.102.4. Return Value
Interrupt vector the interrupt process was registered on creation.
3.102.5. Example
kprintf(0,"Current vector %d\n", sc_procVectorGet(SC_CURRENT_PID));
3.102.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not an interrupt process. |
pid. |
Process type. |
Illegal pcb. |
pid. |
Process is caller. Process is init process. |
pid. |
3.103. sc_procWakeupEnable
3.103.1. Description
Enable the wakeup of a timer or interrupt process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
Please Note: In V1 wakeup is active by default. In V2 and V2INT sc_procWakeupEnable must be called explicitely
3.103.2. Syntax
void sc_procWakeupEnable(void)
3.103.3. Parameter
3.103.4. Return Value
3.103.5. Example
3.103.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not an interrupt nor a timer process. |
Process type. |
3.104. sc_procWakeupDisable
3.104.1. Description
Disable the wakeup of a timer or interrupt process.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.104.2. Syntax
void sc_procWakeupDisable(void)
3.104.3. Parameter
3.104.4. Return Value
3.104.5. Example
3.104.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not an interrupt nor a timer process. |
Process type. |
3.105. sc_procYield
3.105.1. Description
Yield the CPU to the next ready process within the current process’s priority group.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.105.2. Syntax
void sc_procYield(void);
3.105.3. Parameter
3.105.4. Return Value
3.105.5. Example
3.105.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process type. |
3.106. sc_sysProcCreate
3.106.1. Description
This is a private function used by the kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) to create a process.
This function is also used at startup to create static processes (sconf.c
Passing NULL for pcb
or stack
tells the kernel to get needed memory from the module.
NOTE: It is the users resposibility that the memory areas are large enough to hold PCB or stack.
Kernels: V1
3.106.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_procPrioCreate(
const char *name,
void (*entry) (void),
sc_bufsize_t stacksize,
sc_ticks_t slice,
sc_prio_t prio,
int state,
sc_moduleid_t mid,
sc_pcb_t *pcb,
char *stack,
unsigned int type
3.106.3. Parameter
name |
Pointer to process name. |
The name is represented by a ASCII character string terminated be 0. The string can have up to 31 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. |
entry |
Pointer to process function. |
stacksize |
Process stack size. |
slice |
Time slice / vector |
Time slice of the prioritized process or timer process, interrupt vector if an interrupt process is created. |
prio |
Process priority if priority process is to be created or initial timeslize if a timer process is created. Not used for interrupts. |
state |
Process state after creation. |
The process will be on READY state. It is ready to run and will be swapped-in if it has the highest priority of all READY processes. |
The process is stopped. Use the sc_procStart system call to start the process. |
mid |
Module ID of the module where the process will be created. |
pcb |
Pointer to a memory area to keep the process control block or NULL. |
stack |
Pointer to a memory area to for the process stack or NULL. |
3.106.4. Return Value
ID of the created process.
3.107. sc_sysProcCreate2
3.107.1. Description
This is a private function used by the kernel daemon (sc_kerneld
) to create a process.
This function is also used at startup to create static processes (sconf.c
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.107.2. Syntax
sc_pid_t sc_sysProcCreate2(
const sc_pdb_t *pdb,
int state,
sc_mid_t mid,
sc_pid_t ppid,
sc_errcode_t *error,
sc_extra_t *extra
3.107.3. Parameter
For the PDD structure sc_procCreate2
pdb |
Pointer to the process descriptor block (pdb) which defines the process to create. |
state |
Process state after creation. |
The process will be on READY state. It is ready to run and will be swapped-in if it has the highest priority of all READY processes. |
The process is stopped. Use the sc_procStart system call to start the process. |
mid |
Module ID |
Module ID of the module where the process will be created. |
ppid |
Parent ID |
The process ID of the createing process (parent), can be different from the calles PID. |
error |
Pointer to a |
extra |
Pointer to an array of 4 |
NOTE: 'error' and 'extra' parameters are not valid for Assembly kernels! Those values are returned in registers.
3.107.4. Return Value
ID of the created process.
If the ID is 'SC_ILLEGAL_PID' then 'error' and 'extra' contain additional information.
3.107.5. Errors
For the error codes and extra values see sc_procCreate2.
3.108. sc_safe_charGet
3.108.1. Description
Get safe data of specific char types. The data is stored once in normal and in inverted format.
These functions are not part of the kernel.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.108.2. Syntax
char sc_safe_charGet( sc_safe_char_t *si )
unsigned char sc_safe_ucharGet( sc_safe_uchar_t *si )
int8_t sc_safe_s8Get( sc_safe_s8_t *si )
uint8_t sc_safe_u8Get( sc_safe_u8_t *si )
3.108.3. Parameter
si |
Address of safe data storage. |
Start address where value and its inverted version are stored. |
3.108.4. Return Value
The value of the respective safe variable.
3.108.5. Example
3.108.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter si not valid (== NULL). |
3.109. sc_safe_charSet
3.109.1. Description
Set safe data of specific char types at a given address in memory. The data is stored once in normal and in inverted format.
These functions are not part of the kernel.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.109.2. Syntax
void sc_safe_charSet( sc_safe_char_t *si, char v)
void sc_safe_ucharSet( sc_safe_uchar_t *si, unsigned char v)
void sc_safe_s8Set( sc_safe_s8_t *si, int8_t v)
void sc_safe_u8Set( sc_safe_u8_t *si, uint8_t v)
3.109.3. Parameter
si |
Address of safe data storage. |
Start address where value and its inverted version are stored. |
v |
Safe data. |
Safe data of specific char types to be stored. |
3.109.4. Return Value
3.109.5. Example
3.109.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter si not valid (== 0). |
3.110. sc_safe_<type>Get
3.110.1. Description
Get safe data of specific types. The data is stored once in normal and in inverted format.
These functions are not part of the kernel.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.110.2. Syntax
int sc_safe_intGet( sc_safe_int_t *si );
unsigned int sc_safe_intGet( sc_safe_uint_t *si );
long sc_safe_intGet( sc_safe_long_t *si );
unsigned long sc_safe_intGet( sc_safe_ulong_t *si );
int32_t sc_safe_intGet( sc_safe_s32_t *si );
uint32_t sc_safe_intGet( sc_safe_u32_t *si );
sc_pool_cb_t *sc_safe_poolcb_ptrGet( sc_safe_poolcb_ptr_t *si );
sc_pcb_t *sc_safe_pcbptrGet( sc_safe_pcbptr_t *si );
sc_module_cb_t *sc_safe_mcbptrGet( sc_safe_mcbptr_t *si );
sc_modulesize_t sc_safe_modulesizeGet( sc_safe_modulesize_t*si );
sc_ticks_t sc_safe_ticksGet( sc_safe_ticks_t *si );
sc_time_t sc_safe_timeGet( sc_safe_time_t *si );
sc_pid_t sc_safe_pidGet( sc_safe_pid_t *si );
sc_mid_t sc_safe_midGet( sc_safe_mid_t *si );
sc_errcode_t sc_safe_errcodeGet( sc_safe_errcode_t *si );
void *sc_safe_voidptrGet( sc_safe_voidptr_t *si );
sc_triggerval_t sc_safe_triggervalGet( sc_safe_triggerval_t *si );
sc_plsize_t sc_safe_plsizeGet( sc_safe_plsize_t *si );
sc_poolid_t sc_safe_poolidGet( sc_safe_poolid_t *si );
sc_bufsize_t sc_safe_bufsizeGet( sc_safe_bufsize_t *si );
sc_prio_t sc_safe_prioGet( sc_safe_prio_t *si );
3.110.3. Parameter
si |
Address of safe data storage. |
Start address where value and its inverted version are stored. |
3.110.4. Return Value
3.110.5. Example
3.110.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter si not valid (== 0). |
3.111. sc_safe_<type>Set
3.111.1. Description
Set safe data of specific types at a given address in memory. The data is stored once in normal and in inverted format.
These functions are not part of the kernel.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.111.2. Syntax
void sc_safe_intSet( sc_safe_int_t *si, int v );
void sc_safe_uintSet( sc_safe_uint_t *si, unsigned int v );
void sc_safe_longSet( sc_safe_long_t *si, long v );
void sc_safe_ulongSet( sc_safe_ulong_t *si, unsigned long v );
void sc_safe_s32Set( sc_safe_s32_t *si, int32_t v );
void sc_safe_u32Set( sc_safe_u32_t *si, uint32_t v );
void sc_safe_poolcb_ptrSet( sc_safe_poolcb_ptr_t *si, sc_pool_cb_t *v );
void sc_safe_pcbptrSet( sc_safe_pcbptr_t *si, sc_pcb_t *v );
void sc_safe_mcbptrSet( sc_safe_mcbptr_t *si, sc_module_cb_t *v );
void sc_safe_modulesizeSet( sc_safe_modulesize_t *si, sc_modulesize_t v );
void sc_safe_ticksSet( sc_safe_ticks_t *si, sc_ticks_t v );
void sc_safe_timeSet( sc_safe_time_t *si, sc_time_t v );
void sc_safe_pidSet( sc_safe_pid_t *si, sc_pid_t v );
void sc_safe_midSet( sc_safe_mid_t *si, sc_mid_t v );
void sc_safe_errcodeSet( sc_safe_errcode_t *si, sc_errcode_t v );
void sc_safe_voidptrSet( sc_safe_voidptr_t *si, void *v );
void sc_safe_triggervalSet( sc_safe_triggerval_t *si, sc_triggerval_t v );
void sc_safe_plsizeSet( sc_safe_plsize_t *si, sc_plsize_t v );
void sc_safe_poolidSet( sc_safe_poolid_t *si, sc_poolid_t v );
void sc_safe_bufsizeSet( sc_safe_bufsize_t *si, sc_bufsize_t v );
void sc_safe_prioSet( sc_safe_prio_t *si, sc_prio_t v );
3.111.3. Parameter
si |
Address of safe data storage. |
Start address where value and its inverted version are stored. |
v |
Safe data. |
Safe data of specific types to be stored. |
3.111.4. Return Value
3.111.5. Example
3.111.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter si not valid (== 0). |
3.112. sc_safe_shortGet
3.112.1. Description
Get safe data of specific short types. The data is stored once in normal and in inverted format.
These functions are not part of the kernel.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.112.2. Syntax
short sc_safe_shortGet( sc_safe_short_t *si )
unsigned short sc_safe_ushortGet( sc_safe_ushort_t *si )
int16_t sc_safe_s16Get( sc_safe_s16_t *si )
uint16_t sc_safe_u16Get( sc_safe_u16_t *si )
3.112.3. Parameter
si |
Address of safe data storage. |
Start address where value and its inverted version are stored. |
3.112.4. Return Value
Retrieved safe data of specific short types.
3.112.5. Example
3.112.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter si not valid (== 0). |
3.113. sc_safe_shortSet
3.113.1. Description
Set safe data of specific short types at a given address in memory. The data is stored once in normal and in inverted format.
These functions are not part of the kernel.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.113.2. Syntax
void sc_safe_shortSet( sc_safe_short_t *si, short v )
void sc_safe_ushortSet( sc_safe_ushort_t *si, unsigned short v )
void sc_safe_s16Set( sc_safe_s16_t *si, int16_t v )
void sc_safe_u16Set( sc_safe_u16_t *si, uint16_t v )
3.113.3. Parameter
si |
Address of safe data storage. |
Start address where value and its inverted version are stored. |
v |
Safe data. |
3.113.4. Return Value
3.113.5. Example
3.113.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Parameter si not valid (== 0). |
3.114. sc_sleep
3.114.1. Description
Suspend the calling process for a defined time. The requested time must be given in number of system ticks.
The calling process will get into a waiting state and swapped out. After the timeout has elapsed the process will become ready again and will be swapped in if it has the highest priority of all ready processes.
The process will be waiting for at least the requested time minus one system tick.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.114.2. Syntax
Kernels V1:
void sc_sleep( sc_ticks_t tmo );
Kernels V2:
sc_time_t sc_sleep( sc_ticks_t tmo );
3.114.3. Parameter
tmo |
Timeout. |
Number of system ticks to wait. |
3.114.4. Return Value
Kernels: V2 only: Activation time. The absolute time (tick counter) value when the calling process became ready.
3.114.5. Example
void resetPHY(){
// Setup some I/O pins
sc_sleep( 2 );
// Setup some other I/O pins
sc_sleep( 2 );
// Setup last I/O pins
sc_sleep( 2 );
3.114.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Scheduler is locked. |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Illegal timeout value. |
tmo. |
3.115. sc_tick
3.115.1. Description
Calls directly the kernel tick function and advances the kernel tick counter by 1.
The kernel maintains a counter to control the timing functions. The timer needs to be incremented in regular intervals.
The user shall setup an periodic interrupt process and call sc_tick
. The lenght of the period shall be published by the sc_tickLength system call. sc_tick
must be called explicitly.
This system call is only allowed in hardware activated interrupt processes.
Note: A SCIOPTA system can be used tickless. In this case, sc_tick
will not be called. Consequently, no timeouts are allowed.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.115.2. Syntax
void sc_tick(void);
3.115.3. Parameter
3.115.4. Return Value
3.115.5. Example
SC_INT_PROCESS(sysTick, src)
/* Handle timer irq */
3.115.6. Errors
3.116. sc_tickActivationGet
3.116.1. Description
Returns the tick time of last activation of the calling process.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
3.116.2. Syntax
sc_time_t sc_tickActivationGet(void);
3.116.3. Parameter
3.116.4. Return Value
Activation time. The absolute time (tick counter) value when the calling process became ready.
3.116.5. Example
if ( (sc_tickGet() - sc_tickActivationGet()) > 10 ){
kprintf(0,"Time exceeded before I got the CPU\n");
3.116.6. Errors
3.117. sc_tickGet
3.117.1. Description
Get the actual kernel tick counter value. The number of system ticks from the system start are returned.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.117.2. Syntax
sc_time_t sc_tickGet(void);
3.117.3. Parameter
3.117.4. Return Value
Current value of the tick timer.
3.117.5. Example
t = sc_tickGet();
for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i ){
cache_flush_range((char *)0x3000000,0x8000);
memcpy32B((char *)0x2000000,(char *)0x3000000,0x100000);
t = sc_tickGet()-t;
kprintf(0,"Copy in 100MB in %d ms\n",sc_tickTick2Ms(t));
3.117.6. Errors
3.118. sc_tickGet64
3.118.1. Description
Return 64bit sized tick value
Kernels: V2
3.118.2. Syntax
sc_time64_t sc_tickGet64(void);
3.118.3. Parameter
3.118.4. Return Value
current tick.
3.118.5. Example
sc_time64_t t64;
t64 = sc_tickGet64(void);
3.118.6. Errors
3.119. sc_tickLength
3.119.1. Description
Set or get the current system tick length in microseconds.
Note: This value is informational only and has no impact on the kernel behaviour like scheduling. But the function sc_tickMs2Tick and sc_tickTick2Ms rely on it.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.119.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_tickLength( uint32_t ticklength );
3.119.3. Parameter
ticklength |
Tick length. |
0 |
The current tick length will just be returned without modifying it. |
<tick_length> |
The tick length in micro seconds. |
3.119.4. Return Value
Tick length in microseconds.
3.119.5. Example
kprintf(0,"Setting up system-timer ...");
pit_init(200, 0); // 200Hz == 5ms
sc_tickLength( 4999 );
pic_irqEnable( PIC_SRC_PIT0 );
kprintf( 0, "done\n" );
3.119.6. Errors
3.120. sc_tickMs2Tick
3.120.1. Description
Convert a time from milliseconds into system ticks.
Note: This function may round input values larger then UINT32_MAX/1000.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.120.2. Syntax
sc_time_t sc_tickMs2Tick( uint32_t ms );
3.120.3. Parameter
ms |
Time in milliseconds. |
3.120.4. Return Value
Time in system ticks.
3.120.5. Example
int tmo = 1000;
while (tmo < 8000 && ( dev = ips_devGetByName("eth0")) == NULL) {
tmo *= 2;
3.120.6. Errors
3.121. sc_tickTick2Ms
3.121.1. Description
Convert a time from system ticks into milliseconds.
The calculation is based on tick-length and limited to 32 bit.
Note: This function may round input values larger then UINT32_MAX/1000.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.121.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_tickTick2Ms( sc_ticks_t t );
3.121.3. Parameter
t |
Time in system ticks. |
3.121.4. Return Value
Time in milliseconds.
3.121.5. Example
t0 = sc_tickGet();
for(cnt = 0 ; cnt < 1000000; ++cnt){
t1 = sc_tickGet();
t2 = sc_tickTick2Ms( t1-t0 );
3.121.6. Errors
3.122. sc_tmoAdd
3.122.1. Description
Request a timeout message from the kernel after a defined time.
The caller needs to allocate a message and include the pointer to this message in the call. The kernel will send this message back to the caller after the time has expired.
This is an asynchronous call, the caller will not be blocked.
The registered timeout can be cancelled by the sc_tmoRm call before the timeout has expired. This system call returns the timeout ID which could be used later to cancel the timeout.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.122.2. Syntax
sc_tmoid_t sc_tmoAdd( sc_ticks_t tmo, sc_msgptr_t msgptr );
3.122.3. Parameter
tmo |
Time Out. |
Number of system tick after which the message will be sent back by the kernel. |
msgptr |
Pointer to the timeout message pointer. |
Pointer to the message pointer of the message which will be sent back by the kernel after the elapsed time. |
3.122.4. Return Value
Timeout ID.
3.122.5. Example
sc_tmoid_t tmoid;
msg = sc_msgAlloc( sizeof(ctrl_poll_t), TCS_CTRL_POLL, 0, SC_FATAL_IF_TMO );
tmoid = sc_tmoAdd( (sc_ticks_t)sc_tickMs2Tick( 1000 ), &msg );
3.122.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Caller is not a prioritized process. |
Process Type. |
Illegal timeout value. |
tmo. |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Message is already a timeout message. |
Pointer to the message. |
Process does not own the message. |
Owner. |
Pointer to message. |
3.123. sc_tmoRm
3.123.1. Description
Remove a timeout before it is expired.
The user can cancel the timeout even if it has expired but the timeout-message was not yet reveived.
If the process has already received the timeout message and the user still tries to cancel the timeout with the sc_tmoRm, the kernel will generate a fatal error.
After the call the value of the timeout id is zero.
Note: It is recommend to set the timeout ID variable to zero if the timeout message was received.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.123.2. Syntax
sc_msg_t sc_tmoRm( sc_tmoid_t *id );
3.123.3. Parameter
tid |
Timeout ID. |
Pointer to timeout ID which was given when the timeout was registered by the sc_tmoAdd call. |
3.123.4. Return Value
Pointer to the timeout message which was defined at registering it by the sc_tmoAdd call.
3.123.5. Example
sc_msg_t tmomsg;
tmomsg = sc_tmoRm( &tmoid );
sc_msgFree( &tmomsg );
3.123.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Timeout expired, but not received (not in the queue) |
Timeout ID is already cleared. |
Pointer to timeout ID. |
Either pointer to message or pointer to message pointer are zero. |
Process does not own the message. |
pid of the owner. |
3.124. sc_trigger
3.124.1. Description
Activate a process trigger.
The trigger value of the addressed process’s trigger will be incremented by 1. If the trigger value becomes greater than zero the process waiting at the trigger will become ready and swapped in if it has the highest priority of all ready processes.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.124.2. Syntax
void sc_trigger( sc_pid_t pid );
3.124.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
ID of the process which trigger will be activated. |
3.124.4. Return Value
3.124.5. Example
sc_pid_t slave_pid;
slave_pid = sc_procIdGet("slave", SC_NO_TMO);
3.124.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal process type. |
pid. |
Process type. |
Process disappeared. |
pid. |
Process is an init or external process. |
pid. |
3.125. sc_triggerValueGet
3.125.1. Description
Get the value of a process trigger.
The caller can get the trigger value from any process in the system.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.125.2. Syntax
sc_triggerval_t sc_triggerValueGet( sc_pid_t pid );
3.125.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
ID of the process which trigger is returned. |
3.125.4. Return Value
Trigger value.
INT_MAX if no valid process.
3.125.5. Example
sc_pid_t slave_pid;
sc_triggerval_t slavetrig;
slave_pid = sc_procIdGet("slave", SC_NO_TMO);
slave_trig = sc_triggerValueGet(slave_pid);
3.125.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Process is an init or external process. |
pid. |
3.126. sc_triggerValueSet
3.126.1. Description
Set the value of a process trigger to any positive value.
The caller can only set the trigger value of its own trigger.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.126.2. Syntax
void sc_triggerValueSet( sc_triggerval_t value );
3.126.3. Parameter
value |
Trigger value. |
The new trigger value to be stored. |
3.126.4. Return Value
3.126.5. Example
sc_triggerValueSet( 1 );
sc_triggerWait( 1, SC_ENDLESS_TMO );
3.126.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal trigger value. |
Trigger value. |
3.127. sc_triggerWait
3.127.1. Description
Wait on the process trigger.
The sc_triggerWait
call will wait on the trigger of the callers process. The trigger value will be decremented by the value dec of the parameters.
If the trigger value becomes negative or equal zero, the calling process will be suspended and swapped out. The process will become ready again if the trigger value becomes positive.
The caller can also specify a timeout value tmo. The caller will not wait longer than the specified time for the trigger. If the timeout expires the process will be ready in again and the trigger value will be incremented by the amount it has been decrement before.
Kernels: V2 only: The activation time is saved for sc_triggerWait in prioritized processes. The activation time is the absolute time (tick counter) value when the process became ready.
Kernels: V1, V2 and V2INT
3.127.2. Syntax
int sc_triggerWait( sc_triggerval_t dec, sc_ticks_t tmo );
3.127.3. Parameter
dec |
Decrease value. |
The number to decrease the process trigger value. |
tmo |
Timeout. |
Timeout is not used. Blocks and waits endless until trigger. |
Generates a system error. |
Generates a system error. |
0 < tmo ⇐ SC_TMO_MAX |
Timeout value in system ticks. Waiting on trigger with timeout. Blocks and waits the specified number of ticks for trigger. |
3.127.4. Return Value
Trigger occurred. |
Process did not swap out. |
If a timeout occurred. |
Kernel will wakeup a timer or interrupt process. |
3.127.5. Example
sc_triggerValueSet( 1 );
sc_triggerWait( 1, SC_ENDLESS_TMO );
3.127.6. Errors
Code | Type / Extra Values |
Description |
Illegal process type. |
Process type. |
Interrupts and/or scheduler are/is locked. |
Lock counter value or -1 if interrupt are locked. |
Illegal trigger decrement value (⇐0). |
Decrement value. |
tmo value not valid. |
tmo value. |
3.128. sciopta_end
3.128.1. Description
Ends a SCIOPTA Simulator application.
Kernels: V1, V2
3.128.2. Syntax
void sciopta_end(void);
3.128.3. Parameter
3.128.4. Return Value
3.128.5. Example (Windows)
/* timeout expired */
if ( (t - ts) > 10 || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT ){
WaitForSingleObject(sciopta, INFINITE);
3.128.6. Errors
3.129. sciopta_start
3.129.1. Description
Starts a SCIOPTA Kernel Simulator application. It must be placed in the startup code of your Windows or Linux application.
Kernels: V1, V2
3.129.2. Syntax
For Kernels V1
int sciopta_start(
char *cmdline,
sciopta_t *psciopta,
sc_pcb_t **connectors,
sc_pcb_t **pirq_vectors,
sc_module_cb_t **modules,
void (*start_hook)(void),
void (*TargetSetup)(void),
void (*sysPutchar)(int ),
void (*idle_hook)(void)
For Kernels V2 and V2INT
int sciopta_start(
char *cmdline,
sciopta_t *psciopta,
sc_pcb_t **connectors,
sc_pcb_t **pirq_vectors,
sc_module_cb_t **modules,
void (*start_hook)(void),
void (*TargetSetup)(void),
void (*sysPutchar)(int ),
sc_errMsg_t *errMsg
3.129.3. Parameter
cmdline |
Command line of the application. |
-c <core> : set affinity |
psciopta |
Pointer to the SCIOPTA kernel control block. |
connectors |
Pointer to the connector PCB pointer array. |
pirq_vectors |
Pointer to the interrupt PCB pointer array. |
modules |
Pointer to the module CB pointer array. |
start_hook |
Function pointer to the start_hook. |
TargetSetup |
Function pointer to the target (system) setup function. |
sysPutchar |
Function pointer to a put-character function. This is used by the kernel internal debug functions. |
idle_hook |
Function pointer to the idle_hook. |
errMsg |
address of the global sc_errMsg structure. |
3.129.4. Return Value
3.129.5. Example
/* from sconf.c */
extern sciopta_t sciopta;
extern void TargetSetup(void);
extern sc_module_cb_t * sc_modules[SC_MAX_MODULE];
extern sc_pcb_t * sc_connectors[1]; /* dummy */
extern uint32_t sc_globalFlowSignatures[1]; /* dummy */
extern sc_pcb_t * sc_irq_vectors[SC_MAX_INT_VECTORS];
extern dbl_t sc_tmoLists[1]; /* dummy */
extern sc_errMsg_t sc_errMsg; /* Last error information */
extern const uint32_t scioptaConfig[5];
/* prototypes */
void start_hook(void);
void sys_putchar(int c);
char * cmdline = (char *)para;
err = sciopta_start(cmdline,
3.129.6. Errors
3.130. _start
3.130.1. Description
This is the entry point of the kernel and shall be called directly after reset.
The kernel expects that the CPU is in privileged mode.
3.131. main
3.131.1. Description
Program’s main() function which is part of the kernel. This function shall be called after the runtime system (cstartup
) has finished.
Depending on the used compiler, this is done in the compiler’s runtime library or by user code.
The kernel expects that the CPU is in privileged mode.
3.132. sc_sysIrqDispatcher
3.132.1. Description
The hardware-level interrupt handling is not part of the kernel. The BSP shall call this kernel function to activate the respective interrupt process.
SCIOPTA interrupt vector numbers correspondent to the parameter <vector> if passed.
The kernel expects that the CPU is in privileged mode.
3.132.2. Syntax
Kernels: V1,V2, INT
The kernel reads the NVIC
register <IPSR> to determine the vector. If this is not wanted, call sc_sysVirtualIrqDispatcher() instead.
void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(void);
void sc_sysVirtualIrqDispatcher(uint32_t vector);
The user interrupt handler shall determine the interrupt vector and call the kernel function with the SCIOPTA vector.
If the SCIOPTA vector is different from the hardware vector, this vector may be passed as second parameter.
This parameter is provided to the interrupt process as <org_vector>.
The CPU must be in SYS mode and MPU or MMU must be disabled when calling.
void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(uint32_t vector);
void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(uint32_t vector, uint32_t org_vector);
An interrupt process may be defined either:
SC_INT_PROCESS(<function>, src);
SC_INT_PROCESS_EX(<function>, src, org_vector);
Kernels: V2, INT
One of these functions depending on the GIC used (see SoC manual) shall be called directly from IRQ EL0 and IRQ ELx vectors.
The kernel will retrieve the vector directly from the GIC registers.
The *_wsh
functions call the IRQ-swap hook if registered.
The function will not return to the caller!
The CPU must be in EL1 when calling.
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher_gic500_wsh(void);
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher_gic500(void);
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher_gic400_wsh(void);
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher_gic400(void);
Place a call to either function on entry 510 in the INTTAB (see SoC manual).
The kernel will determine the actual vector by reading ICR and call the respective interrupt process.
The *_wsh
function calls the IRQ-swap hook if registered.
The function will not return.
void sc_sysIrqDispatcher_wsh(void)
void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(void)
Call either function from the hardware interrupt handler.
The *_wsh
function calls the IRQ-swap hook if registered.
The function will not return.
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher_wsh(uint32_t vector)
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(uint32_t vector)
Call this function from the hardware interrupt handler.
The parameter shall be the vector number multiplied by 4.
The function will not return.
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(uint32_t vectorBy4)
Kernels: INT
Call this function from the hardware exception handler.
The function will not return.
__noreturn void sc_sysIrqDispatcher(uint32_t vector);
3.133. sc_sysIrqEpilogue
3.133.1. Description
This function shall be called from BSP code after all pending interrupts were handled.
The function will not return.
The kernel expects that the CPU is in privileged mode.
The CPU must be in SYS mode and MPU or MMU must be disabled when calling.
void sc_sysIrqEpilogue(void);
Kernels: V1, V2
3.134. sc_sysSWI
3.134.1. Description
This is the SWI (software interrupt) function to handle trap interface.
It must be called from vector 2.
The function will not return.
The kernel expects that the CPU is in privileged mode.
Kernels: V1, V2
void sc_sysSWI(void);
3.135. sc_sysSVC
3.135.1. Description
This is the SVC (supervisor call) function to handle trap interface.
Place in the vector table on vector 11.
The function will not return.
The kernel expects that the CPU is in privileged mode.
Kernels: V1, V2
void sc_sysSVC(void);
3.136. sc_sysApiInit
3.136.1. Description
Initialize SCAPI.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.136.2. Syntax
int sc_sysApiInit(const sciopta_config_t *conf);
3.136.3. Parameter
conf |
points to the config array to be found in sconf.c. |
3.136.4. Return Value
3.136.5. Example
static const sciopta_config_t conf = {
2, /* maxConnector */
1 /* maxPool */
if ( sc_sysApiInit(&conf) < 0 ){
printf("Error setting up SC-API\n");
3.136.6. Errors
3.137. sc_sysApiIdle
3.137.1. Description
Call when process is Idle.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.137.2. Syntax
void sc_sysApiIdle(uint32_t ms);
3.137.3. Parameter
ms |
Use host system call to sleep for <ms> ms. |
3.137.4. Return Value
3.137.5. Example
extern "C" void HelloSciopta(void)
3.137.6. Errors
3.138. sc_sysApiExit
3.138.1. Description
Terminate SCAPI.
Ends all SCAPI tasks and frees all memory.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.138.2. Syntax
void sc_sysApiExit(void);
3.138.3. Parameter
3.138.4. Return Value
3.138.5. Example
** Shut down Sciopta API (kill all processes)
3.138.6. Errors
3.139. sc_sysApiVersionGet
3.139.1. Description
Get the current scapi version.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.139.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_sysApiVersionGet(void);
3.139.3. Parameter
3.139.4. Return Value
Return Sciopta version.
3.139.5. Example
printf("Sciopta API Version %08x\n",sc_sysApiVersionGet());
3.139.6. Errors
3.140. sc_sysProcSwapsGet
3.140.1. Description
Return number of simulated task swaps.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.140.2. Syntax
uint32_t sc_sysProcSwapsGet(void);
3.140.3. Parameter
3.140.4. Return Value
Sciopta Swap.
3.140.5. Example
int swaps = sc_sysProcSwapsGet();
3.140.6. Errors
3.141. sc_sysProcHandleGet
3.141.1. Description
Return host system’s thread ID of a SCAPI process.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.141.2. Syntax
HANDLE sc_sysProcHandleGet(sc_pid_t pid);
pthread_t sc_sysProcPthreadIdGet(sc_pid_t pid):
3.141.3. Parameter
pid |
Process ID. |
3.141.4. Return Value
3.141.5. Example
HANDLE init_handle;
init_pid = sc_procCreate2( (const sc_pdb_t *)&pdb, SC_PDB_STATE_RUN, SC_DEFAULT_POOL);
init_handle = sc_sysProcHandleGet(init_pid);
3.141.6. Errors
3.142. sc_sysPoolCBdump
3.142.1. Description
Dump a pool control block to terminal.
Kernels: SCAPI
3.142.2. Syntax
void sc_sysPoolCBdump(sc_poolid_t plid);
3.142.3. Parameter
plid |
Pool ID. |
3.142.4. Return Value
3.142.5. Example
** Dump pool info
for( i = 0; i < conf.maxPool; ++i ){
3.142.6. Errors
3.143. sc_sysPoolDump
3.143.1. Description
Dump a pool contents to terminal
Kernels: SCAPI
3.143.2. Syntax
void sc_sysPoolDump(sc_poolid_t plid);
3.143.3. Parameter
plid |
Pool ID. |
3.143.4. Return Value
3.143.5. Example
3.143.6. Errors
3.144. sc_sysProcCurrentName
3.144.1. Description
Return name of current process.
V1, V2, V2INT, V2SIM and V2SCAPI
3.144.2. Syntax
uint8_t * sc_sysProcCurrentName(void);
3.144.3. Parameter
3.144.4. Return Value
Name of current process
3.144.5. Example
char *p;
p = (char *)sc_sysProcCurrentName();
3.144.6. Errors
3.145. sc_sysProcPcbGet
3.145.1. Description
Return pcb of current (pid == 0) or specific process.
V1, V2, V2INT, V2SIM and V2SCAPI
3.145.2. Syntax
sc_pcb_t * sc_sysProcPcbGet(sc_pid_t pid );
3.145.3. Parameter
Process ID.
3.145.4. Return Value
pcb of current or specific process
3.145.5. Example
sc_pcb_t * pcb;
pcb = sc_sysProcPcbGet(SC_CURRENT_PID);
3.145.6. Errors
4. Kernel Error Reference
4.1. Introduction
SCIOPTA has many built-in error check functions.
Contrary to most conventional real-time operating systems, SCIOPTA uses a centralized mechanism for error reporting, called Error Hook. In traditional real-time operating systems, the user needs to check return values of system calls for a possible error condition. In SCIOPTA all error conditions will end up in the Error Hook. This guarantees that all errors are treated and that the error handling does not depend on individual error strategies which might vary from user to user.
Please consult SCIOPTA Architecture Manual chapter “Error Handling” for more information about the SCIOPTA error handling.
When the error hook is called from the kernel, all information about the error are transferred in 32-bit error word parameter. There are also additional 32-bit extra words (parameters e0, e1, e2, …) available to the user.

The Function Code defines from what SCIOPTA system call the error was initiated. The Error Code contains the specific error information and the Error Type informs about the severeness of the error.
4.2. Include Files
The error codes are defined in the err.h include file.
- Kernel V1 <install_folder>\sciopta\<version>\include\kernel\
- Kernel V2 <install_folder>\sciopta\<version>\include\kernel2\
- Kernel INT <install_folder>\sciopta\<version>\include\ikernel\
The error descriptions are defined in the errtxt.h include file.
File location: <install_folder>\sciopta\<version>\include\ossys\
4.3. Function Codes (Kernels V1)
Name | Number | Error Source |
0x01 |
0x02 |
0x03 |
0x04 |
0x05 |
0x06 |
0x07 |
0x08 |
0x09 |
0x0A |
0x0B |
0x0C |
0x0D |
0x0E |
0x0F |
0x10 |
0x11 |
0x12 |
0x13 |
0x14 |
0x15 |
0x16 |
sc_sysPoolKill (Internal) |
0x17 |
0x18 |
0x19 |
0x1A |
0x1B |
0x1C |
0x1D |
0x1E |
0x1F |
0x20 |
0x21 |
0x22 |
0x23 |
0x24 |
0x25 |
0x26 |
0x27 |
0x28 |
0x29 |
0x2A |
0x2B |
sc_procPrioCreateStatic (Internal) |
0x2C |
sc_procIntCreateStatic (Internal) |
0x2D |
sc_procTimCreateStatic (Internal) |
0x2E |
sc_procUsrIntCreateStatic (Internal) |
0x2F |
0x30 |
0x31 |
0x32 |
0x33 |
0x34 |
0x35 |
0x36 |
sc_sysProcCreate (Internal) |
0x37 |
0x38 |
0x39 |
0x3A |
0x3B |
0x3C |
0x3D |
0x3E |
0x3F |
0x40 |
0x41 |
0x42 |
0x43 |
0x44 |
0x45 |
sc_modulePrioSet (Internal) |
0x46 |
0x47 |
0x48 |
0x49 |
0x4A |
0x4B |
0x4C |
0x4D |
0x4E |
0x4F |
0x50 |
0x51 |
0x52 |
0x53 |
0x54 |
sc_sysError (Internal) |
0x55 |
0x56 |
0x57 |
0x58 |
0x59 |
sc_tmo (Internal) |
0x5A |
0x5B |
0x5C |
0x5D |
0x5E |
0x5F |
0x60 |
0x61 |
0x62 |
<dispatcher> |
0x63 |
reserved |
0x64 |
reserved |
0x65 |
0x66 |
sc_connectorRemote2local (Internal) |
4.4. Function Codes (Kernels V2 and V2INT)
Name | Number | Error Source |
0x01 |
0x02 |
0x03 |
0x04 |
0x05 |
0x06 |
0x07 |
0x08 |
0x09 |
0x0A |
0x0B |
0x0C |
0x0D |
0x0E |
0x0F |
0x10 |
0x11 |
0x12 |
0x13 |
0x14 |
0x15 |
0x16 |
0x17 |
0x18 |
0x19 |
0x1A |
0x1B |
0x1C |
0x1D |
0x1E |
0x1F |
0x20 |
0x21 |
0x22 |
0x23 |
0x24 |
0x25 |
0x26 |
0x27 |
0x28 |
0x29 |
0x2A |
reserved |
0x2B |
reserved |
0x2C |
reserved |
0x2D |
0x2E |
0x2F |
0x30 |
0x31 |
0x32 |
0x33 |
0x34 |
0x35 |
0x36 |
0x37 |
0x38 |
0x39 |
0x3A |
0x3B |
0x3C |
0x3D |
0x3E |
0x3F |
reserved |
0x40 |
0x41 |
0x42 |
0x43 |
0x44 |
0x45 |
0x46 |
0x47 |
0x48 |
0x49 |
0x4A |
0x4B |
0x4C |
0x4D |
0x4E |
0x4F |
0x50 |
0x51 |
0x52 |
reserved |
0x53 |
reserved |
0x54 |
reserved |
0x55 |
reserved |
0x56 |
reserved |
0x57 |
reserved |
0x58 |
reserved |
0x59 |
reserved |
0x5A |
reserved |
0x5B |
reserved |
0x5C |
0x5D |
0x5E |
0x5F |
0x60 |
0x61 |
0x62 |
0x63 |
0x64 |
0x65 |
0x66 |
0x67 |
0x68 |
0x69 |
0x6A |
0x6B |
sc_moduleStart (Internal) |
0x6C |
0x6D |
reserved |
0x6E |
reserved |
0x6F |
0x70 |
0x71 |
0x72 |
0x73 |
0x74 |
reserved |
0x75 |
reserved |
0x76 |
reserved |
0x77 |
reserved |
0x78 |
0x79 |
0x7A |
0x7B |
0x7C |
0x7D |
0x7E |
0x7f |
0x80 |
0x81 |
0x82 |
0x83 |
0x84 |
reserved |
0x85 |
reserved |
0x86 |
reserved |
0x87 |
reserved |
0x88 |
dispatcher (Internal) |
0x89 |
irq_dispatcher (Internal) |
0x8A |
kernel_private (Internal) |
0x8B |
sc_sysError (many) |
0x8C |
sc_safe_* (many) |
0x8D |
reserved |
0x8E |
reserved |
0x8F |
reserved |
4.5. Error Codes
Name | Number | Description |
0x001 |
Illegal pool ID. |
0x002 |
No more pool. |
0x003 |
Illegal pool size. |
0x004 |
Pool still in use. |
0x005 |
Illegal number of buffer sizes. |
0x006 |
Illegal buffersizes. |
0x007 |
Illegal buffersize. |
0x008 |
Message outside pool. |
0x009 |
Message header corrupted. |
0x00A |
NIL pointer. |
0x00B |
Message enlarged. |
0x00C |
Not owner of the message. |
0x00D |
Out of memory. |
0x00E |
Illegal interrupt vector. |
0x00F |
Illegal time slice. |
0x010 |
No kernel daemon started. |
0x011 |
Message endmark corrupted. |
0x012 |
Previous message’s endmark corrupted. |
0x013 |
Illegal default pool ID. |
0x014 |
Illegal system call while scheduler locked. |
0x015 |
Illegal process type. |
0x016 |
Illegal interrupt. |
0x017 |
Illegal unhandled exception. |
0x018 |
Illegal syscall number. |
0x019 |
Illegal interrupt nesting. |
0x01F |
Unlock without lock. |
0x020 |
Illegal process ID. |
0x021 |
No more processes. |
0x022 |
Module size too small. |
0x023 |
Starting of a not stopped process. |
0x024 |
Illegal process. |
0x025 |
Illegal name. |
0x025 |
Illegal target name. |
0x025 |
Illegal module name. |
0x027 |
Illegal module ID. |
0x028 |
Illegal priority. |
0x029 |
Illegal stacksize. |
0x02A |
No more modules available. |
0x02B |
Illegal parameter. |
0x02C |
Illegal process name. |
0x02D |
Not a prioritized process. |
0x02E |
Stack overflow. |
0x02F |
Stack underflow. |
0x030 |
Illegal value. |
0x031 |
Already defined. |
0x032 |
No more connectors available. |
0x033 |
Module memory overlaps. |
0xFFF |
Process terminated. |
4.6. Error Types
Name | Number | Description |
0x01 |
This type of error will stop the whole target. |
0x02 |
This type of error results in killing the module if an error hook returns a value of !=0. |
0x04 |
This type of error results in killing the process if an error hook returns a value of !=0. |
0x10 |
Warning on target level.The system continues if an error hook is installed. |
0x20 |
Warning on module level. The system continues if an error hook is installed. |
0x40 |
Warning on process level. The system continues if an error hook is installed. |
4.7. Error Message
4.7.1. Description
The error message is the address of the global sc_errMsg structure and filled by the kernel error handling.
Kernels: V2 and V2INT
4.7.2. Kernel Error Message Structure
typedef struct sc_errMsg_s {
int32_t user; /* user = 1, system = 0, exception = -1 */
sc_errcode_t error; /* error-code */
sc_extra_t extra0;
sc_extra_t extra1;
sc_extra_t extra2;
sc_extra_t extra3;
sc_module_cb_t *cmcb; /* current module */
sc_pcb_t *cpcb; /* current process */
sc_module_cb_t *emcb; /* error module */
sc_pcb_t *epcb; /* error process */
} sc_errMsg_t; Structure Members
user |
User/system error flag |
!= 0 |
User error |
== 0 |
System Error |
== -1 |
Exception |
error |
Error word |
Error word containing the function code which defines from which SCIOPTA system call the error was initiated, the error code which contains the specific error information and the error type which informs about the source and type of error. |
extra |
System specific extra error words |
extra0 |
Please consult "Kernel Error Reference" for description. |
extra1 |
Please consult "Kernel Error Reference" for description. |
extra2 |
Please consult "Kernel Error Reference" for description. |
extra3 |
Please consult "Kernel Error Reference" for description. |
cmcb |
Module control block. |
Pointer to the current module control block. Please consult module.h for more information about the module control block structure. |
cpcb |
Process control block. |
Pointer to the current process control block. Please consult pcb.h for more information about the module control block structure. |
emcb |
Module control block. |
Pointer to module control block of the module where the error occurred. Please consult module.h for more information about the module control block structure. |
epcb |
Process control block. |
Pointer to process control block of the process where the error occurred. Please consult pcb.h for more information about the module control block structure. |
5. Manual Versions
Whole manual restructured and rewritten.
5.1. System calls added
extended -
added -
Layout reworked
5.2. Typos/Design change
various places
: [V2]/[INT] Remove scheduler/interrupt test. Now like [V1]
5.3. CPU mode clarification
CPU mode advide before calling any function added.
Add initial chapter folding for PDF.
5.4. Add missing contents/Layout fixes
: Add missing attribute, add changeSC_PROCATTR_TYPE
Rework version list to represent the actual manual version.
Fix paramater comments for
Add note about module memory structure for
Specific info about
part of a module. -
description for BSP -
: Add secureFlag. -
Layout fixes.
Add note in
Error codes fixed
Add Linux simulator
Add missing functions in the error code list.
5.5. Add missing Contents
Add SCSIM SCIOPTA Simulator for Windows and Linux
Add SCAPI SCIOPTA API for Windows or Linux host or other OS
Add SCAPI System Calls
Fix paramater
Add chapter
Error Message
Fix typo
5.6. Add missing functions